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30 minutes ago, Hecate said:

I might be wrong, or misremembering, because this was a long, long time ago, but someone who used to be on here was approached in a pub at a forum meeting and threatened with a glassing by someone else who used to be on here because the person had removed some of their posts, or issued a ban, or some such thing. 


If you're a woman online who's received rape threats, bomb threats, death threats, people exposing their home and work addresses, the names and whereabouts of their children and families, all for the crime of posting a differing opinion online under their own name then you can understand why some people choose to remain anonymous.


That's not usually how it works though.  No one on here posts random insults to random people who they've never interacted with before because they feel like it.  Most people on here have posted alongside the same group of people for years, and treat them as they would other 'colleagues' they've discussed things with over the years.  Some pub comments provoke a laugh, and some provoke a pint poured over your head.  Except here, it's metaphorical, though usually equally deserved.


Hold on a minuet,   what the flippin hell is goin off,  someone has shoved a quote on the forum with my name attached to it 42 minuets ago,  if you scroll back a few post you will see I only posted on Padders post which was posted about an hour or so ago ref, sending Flapper round to my house.  We have a Phanton poster on the Forum using other peoples user names. :suspect:

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9 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Hold on a minuet,   what the flippin hell is goin off,  someone has shoved a quote on the forum with my name attached to it 42 minuets ago,  if you scroll back a few post you will see I only posted on Padders post which was posted about an hour or so ago ref, sending Flapper round to my house.  We have a Phanton poster on the Forum using other peoples user names. :suspect:

My fault.  Apologies.  I'll edit it.  I know what happened there:  I quoted Padders' post but mistakenly did so by selecting from within your post after you'd quoted him, and as such the system labelled it as yours.


ETA: Done.

Edited by Guest
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1 hour ago, Padders said:

There's a lot to be said about the thread title...

I was just thinking about Britain's gold medal winning swimmer Rebecca Adlington who received that much abuse on-line about her appearance it made her ill.

What kind of person looks at a picture of Ms Adlington and thinks, "I know what I'll do today, I'll go online and let the long-legged, blue eyed, World beating blonde know that her conk's a bit on the large side"

You may think that if this is happening there may be a lunatic on the loose.. But you'd be wrong...

There are, in fact, tens of thousands of lunatic's out there, all of whom spend their days going online to insult a selection of people they've never met..


Sheffield Forum is a fine example of this behaviour, and it's becoming a problem.

All posters are anonymous, their only known by a stupid user name- "Fluffykins or some such.

They could be in Birmingham or Glasgow, their a microbe in a fog of of seven billion particles, and they know it.

Would these people walk up to a person in the street and say "God, your fat" No. But they see nothing wrong with getting the message across on the Forum.


If I post something on the Forum that offends you, you should know who I am, you can find me and shove a pie in my face and throw manure over my garden wall.

When Rebecca is abused for having a daggerboard on the front of her face, she should be able to locate the culprits with a couple of clicks, this would solve the problem at a stroke, they would be forced out from behind their user-names and bask in the ice-cold glare of retribution.

I reckon some posters on this Forum are penniless, fat old men, who live with their moms and spend all day spouting bile from their porn store in the loft, under their username "Buttcrack 775483"


In short, we need to get rid of Forum anonymity, my recommendation is this: only accept posts if they are prepared to divulge their name and address, that way, we could choose to visit the person who thinks it's hilarious to make fun of Rebecca Adlington, and give him a comedy nose as well!






My lad has spent time with Rebecca Adlington. He told me she is a very nice person and absolutely gorgeous. 

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2 minutes ago, Hecate said:

My fault.  Apologies.  I'll edit it.  I know what happened there:  I quoted Padders' post but mistakenly did so by selecting from within your post after you'd quoted him, and as such the system labelled it as yours.

Cheers :thumbsup:   WOW! For a minuet or two I thought I had completely lost the plot. :hihi:

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1 hour ago, Padders said:

My recommendation is this: only accept posts if they are prepared to divulge their name and address, that way, we could choose to visit the person who thinks it's hilarious to make fun of Rebecca Adlington, and give him a comedy nose as well!

Then we need to limit forum users to the local area, I'm not paying more for transport than for a custard pie.

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51 minutes ago, Hecate said:

My fault.  Apologies.  I'll edit it.  I know what happened there:  I quoted Padders' post but mistakenly did so by selecting from within your post after you'd quoted him, and as such the system labelled it as yours.


ETA: Done.

Pay more attention to your post's, and stop looking for your parcel to arrive.

Remember, 3 strikes and your out.

46 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Cheers :thumbsup:   WOW! For a minuet or two I thought I had completely lost the plot. :hihi:

Mr. Presley, can you please explain how you manage to do a couple of Minuet's while posting?

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3 hours ago, Padders said:

There's a lot to be said about the thread title...

I was just thinking about Britain's gold medal winning swimmer Rebecca Adlington who received that much abuse on-line about her appearance it made her ill.

What kind of person looks at a picture of Ms Adlington and thinks, "I know what I'll do today, I'll go online and let the long-legged, blue eyed, World beating blonde know that her conk's a bit on the large side"

You may think that if this is happening there may be a lunatic on the loose.. But you'd be wrong...

There are, in fact, tens of thousands of lunatic's out there, all of whom spend their days going online to insult a selection of people they've never met..


Sheffield Forum is a fine example of this behaviour, and it's becoming a problem.

All posters are anonymous, their only known by a stupid user name- "Fluffykins or some such.

They could be in Birmingham or Glasgow, their a microbe in a fog of of seven billion particles, and they know it.

Would these people walk up to a person in the street and say "God, your fat" No. But they see nothing wrong with getting the message across on the Forum.


If I post something on the Forum that offends you, you should know who I am, you can find me and shove a pie in my face and throw manure over my garden wall.

When Rebecca is abused for having a daggerboard on the front of her face, she should be able to locate the culprits with a couple of clicks, this would solve the problem at a stroke, they would be forced out from behind their user-names and bask in the ice-cold glare of retribution.

I reckon some posters on this Forum are penniless, fat old men, who live with their moms and spend all day spouting bile from their porn store in the loft, under their username "Buttcrack 775483"


In short, we need to get rid of Forum anonymity, my recommendation is this: only accept posts if they are prepared to divulge their name and address, that way, we could choose to visit the person who thinks it's hilarious to make fun of Rebecca Adlington, and give him a comedy nose as well!



Poor old Rebecca ,  Never realised owt wrong with her ,  Those that post such ****e should be ashamed .




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