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Mirror Group Hacking Trial

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18 hours ago, Al Bundy said:



As much as I agree with much of what Piers Morgan says, I find him very nauseating.

I don't care much for Harry but I'm glad that he won his case as well. 


The Judge's comments inferring that Mirror Editor at the time, Morgan are telling.  It'd be interesting to get him in court at some point.  I seem to remember him managing to distance himself from the 2 Mirror business journalists who used to give out share tips & we're found guilty of fraud / collusion with businesses to bump up share prices.  


Once again, their boss, Morgan, claimed he didn't know what was going on with his staff. It makes you wonder what the Mirror Group were paying him for?

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On 16/12/2023 at 11:53, Baron99 said:

I don't care much for Harry but I'm glad that he won his case as well. 


The Judge's comments inferring that Mirror Editor at the time, Morgan are telling.  It'd be interesting to get him in court at some point.  I seem to remember him managing to distance himself from the 2 Mirror business journalists who used to give out share tips & we're found guilty of fraud / collusion with businesses to bump up share prices.  


Once again, their boss, Morgan, claimed he didn't know what was going on with his staff. It makes you wonder what the Mirror Group were paying him for?

I agree.  If Mr Morgan didn't know, then let him explain in court WHY and HOW he didn't know.  Then, perhaps he might like to tell the court who else at the top DID know?  Criminal offences have been committed here and some person must be responsible.  Convictions and sentences must follow.

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Morgan thinks he is made of Teflon,  ignorance is no defence,  its about time this bloke and others like Johnson was given a prison sentence as an example to others who act like he does,  when the crap hits the fan you just can't lie and act oblivious as to what is going on around you.  Has for Harry!  He has been weened on all the tricks the press get up to, he saw it all happen to his Mother.   In their position they are fully aware that the press hounds are watching and listening so I have no sympathy when they are caught out blabbing on a phone ect. 

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