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Our Church Of England Has Waved The White Flag Of Surrender


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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Do you think there are no gay Christians ?    I'm quite sure there will be quite a few.

There are all kinds of Christians including some who believe in God but think the bible is a load of codswallop.

I don't see why Muslims get brought into the argument either.

If gay Christians want to marry in a church,  I fail to see how that is harming anyone else.    maybe you could explain.


Because it's complete nonsense. Why would you follow something which essentially views you as a disgrace? To me it's on par with men in wigs wanting to use women's toilets. Why bother when there are other places for you to go that are perfectly acceptable?

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6 hours ago, Chekhov said:

In some ways the word is more intolerant than it's ever been. Certain personality traits are deemed unacceptable in this world of ours. I know because my personality is not suited to this crap modern world where you have to be a quiet calm unquestioning uncontroversial uncomplaining rule follower or you will get into trouble.

Furthermore certain beliefs are no longer allowed, the thought police, hypocritical virtue signalling authoritarians, are active everywhere.

What utter rubbish. What trouble have you got into by questioning and complaining on this forum? A bit of jibing and pointed discussion from others on the forum, me included. It's just a forum, who gives a f*** what gets said on here.


What if the things said to you on this forum were said to you in real life, would you care? I know I wouldn't.


Where are these "hypocritical virtue signalling authoritarians" active, cos I don't come across them in my life in Sheffield and my work travels outside of it. I just see people going about their lives as they have done for years.

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10 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:

Because it's complete nonsense. Why would you follow something which essentially views you as a disgrace? To me it's on par with men in wigs wanting to use women's toilets. Why bother when there are other places for you to go that are perfectly acceptable?

It doesn't matter about any  "why woulds"   people are entitled to do as they please if they are not breaking the law or harming someone else.

It matters not what it's on a par with to you because your par seems strange in the extreme.  How can it compare with men in women's toilets ?

It's already been explained about the possibility of them being Christians.

You seem to have no real reason for objecting and it's simply that "you don't like it".


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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It doesn't matter about any  "why woulds"   people are entitled to do as they please if they are not breaking the law or harming someone else.

It matters not what it's on a par with to you because your par seems strange in the extreme.  How can it compare with men in women's toilets ?

It's already been explained about the possibility of them being Christians.

You seem to have no real reason for objecting and it's simply that "you don't like it".


Well they aren't very good Christians then because the Bible calls them an abomination for starters. It compares because they're forcing themselves into a place where they aren't wanted just to try and rub their views in other people's faces.


I wouldn't be harming anyone or breaking the law if I followed you around the streets filming you, but I'm guessing you wouldn't be happy about it. 

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3 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:

Well they aren't very good Christians then because the Bible calls them an abomination for starters. It compares because they're forcing themselves into a place where they aren't wanted just to try and rub their views in other people's faces.


I wouldn't be harming anyone or breaking the law if I followed you around the streets filming you, but I'm guessing you wouldn't be happy about it. 

Wrong on both counts.

You can find a quote in the bible to suit every eventuality.  Forget the idea that the bible was written by god.  It was written by many different men who often contradicted each other.

They are entitled to believe in God if they wish, whilst believing that the bible is laughable. 

You like them,  are entitled to believe whatever you like but not to prevent someone else from doing something which is not harming you or anyone else.

That would be like saying,  I don't drink so therefore nobody should be allowed to drink.  You personal opinion is fine if it doesn't affect others.


If you followed me around,  filming me,  you most definitely would be breaking the law.  That remark points to you having some very strange views and not only about gays.


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42 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Wrong on both counts.

You can find a quote in the bible to suit every eventuality.  Forget the idea that the bible was written by god.  It was written by many different men who often contradicted each other.

They are entitled to believe in God if they wish, whilst believing that the bible is laughable. 

You like them,  are entitled to believe whatever you like but not to prevent someone else from doing something which is not harming you or anyone else.

That would be like saying,  I don't drink so therefore nobody should be allowed to drink.  You personal opinion is fine if it doesn't affect others.


If you followed me around,  filming me,  you most definitely would be breaking the law.  That remark points to you having some very strange views and not only about gays.


It would be a grand sight to see ladies sitting on the stainless steel troff int Gents bog int Norfolk on Dixon Lane .

Specially when plug hole is blocked .

Edited by cuttsie
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1 hour ago, cressida said:


I think it's pretty sad really, all these prejudiced people spending so much time and effort on something that doesn't concern them, and about people they profess to dislike.

Perhaps if they focused on their own lives they'd be happier people.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Wrong on both counts.

You can find a quote in the bible to suit every eventuality.  Forget the idea that the bible was written by god.  It was written by many different men who often contradicted each other.

They are entitled to believe in God if they wish, whilst believing that the bible is laughable. 

You like them,  are entitled to believe whatever you like but not to prevent someone else from doing something which is not harming you or anyone else.

That would be like saying,  I don't drink so therefore nobody should be allowed to drink.  You personal opinion is fine if it doesn't affect others.


If you followed me around,  filming me,  you most definitely would be breaking the law.  That remark points to you having some very strange views and not only about gays.


"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." - Leviticus 18:22

"If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them" - Leviticus 20:13


It's pretty clear from a Biblical point of view that homosexuality is forbidden in Christianity.


You are also wrong on your last point. It's not illegal to film people on the streets, as there's no expectation of privacy in a public place. If you disagree then could you quote the law that prevents it? It was also just a throwaway comment that you can still act like a tit without breaking the law. I have no interest in filming anyone in public, and your attempt to smear me as some weirdo is pathetic really.



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