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Our Church Of England Has Waved The White Flag Of Surrender


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On 22/12/2023 at 09:31, Bargepole23 said:

I also have never met anyone, ever, in any country, and I've been to dozens of them, who has been in the slightest bit concerned about temporary traffic lights, or roundabouts v t-junctions, or taking videos of their kids at school events, or any of the other things you seem massively over-sensitive to. They might think at the time, "This is a pain in the a***" but I doubt they dwell on it the way you seem to do.

>>I also have never met anyone who has been in the slightest bit concerned about temporary traffic lights, or roundabouts v t-junctions<<


That's rubbish, either that or you do not talk to many people...

Pretty much everyone I talk to (who actually drives) hate temporary traffic lights, particularly when they aren't even needed

Pray why would you not be frustrated at being stopped for roadwork traffic lights where the site takes up no more room than a legally parked car ?

You must have enviable patience and/or much spare time on your hands.

Or you are trolling.


>>I also have never met anyone who has been in the slightest bit concerned about  taking videos of their kids at school events<<


Again, you cannot talk to many parents (or grand parents).


If you'd have said  "I also have never met anyone who has been in the slightest bit concerned about  taking videos of their kids swimming in galas" then I'd have believed you, because not that many parents have kids swimming in galas, and even fewer have kids winning, when a parent is more likely to want to take a video.


I have taken loads of pics and vids of my lad, and the ones I watch most are the ones where he's doing school performances and swimming in galas. The former because, particularly when he was younger, he looks so cute, and the latter because I am a swimmer and my boy is usually doing pretty well.

You appear to think I should never have been allowed to have those irreplaceable memories of my lad, well I think you are a selfish _ _ _ _ _ _  (insert suitably meaningful word here).

Edited by Chekhov
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