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Gratitude To Parents?

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34 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I'm getting on a bit now Pal , Never ask the kids for ow't . 

But I know if we need it we just have to ask .

You sound a bit like I was when my adopted parents got older , No phone at their house then so it was two bus rides from  North Sheffield to the South of the City , Then two back home ,

Just to say hello most of the time , 

Never regretted it though , You reap what you sow .  Your memories will be there when she has gone and you will sleep at night knowing you did the right and proper things /

Mother and I are similar in many ways, but one fundamental difference is I could entertain myself until the stars burn out with an interest in everything, while she has never had any discernible hobbies or interests, she can't fill a morning. It's not like she sacrificed her life to children, there's only me and really I wasn't demanding, perhaps someone way back told her she was stupid or implied that life and culture weren't for the likes of her, was it failing the Eleven Plus? It can't have helped.


Her mother lived with us for the last 17 years of her life as I grew up, perhaps that used up all of her brainpower, but there’s no way mother is coming to live with me, instant divorce I think, she can use up all the inheritance on care in her own home, it’s her money.

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I was blessed with wonderful parents. Not well off, and not perfect, but strong, fine people with genuine values who loved us and cared for us and did the very best for us with what they'd got.  


We had grand discussions about life round the dining table from which I picked up my values and learned a lot. They gave us time, and confidence. I will always be grateful to my parents for all the important ground work they put into my life. 

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53 minutes ago, Anna B said:

I was blessed with wonderful parents. Not well off, and not perfect, but strong, fine people with genuine values who loved us and cared for us and did the very best for us with what they'd got.  


We had grand discussions about life round the dining table from which I picked up my values and learned a lot. They gave us time, and confidence. I will always be grateful to my parents for all the important ground work they put into my life. 

You can tell by your actions on this forum . Thank  you .

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I had wonderful working class parents. Father worked in steelworks and mother worked nights as a nurse at Middlewood Mental hospital. I can never remember having birthday parties or cards but always Christmas presents and a tree. We were never hit, but never hugged, but I put that down to my parents never experiencing those things themselves.

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56 minutes ago, pattricia said:

I had wonderful working class parents. Father worked in steelworks and mother worked nights as a nurse at Middlewood Mental hospital. I can never remember having birthday parties or cards but always Christmas presents and a tree. We were never hit, but never hugged, but I put that down to my parents never experiencing those things themselves.

Bang on lass, My Mrs was a nurse at Middlewood  she instantly took to me for some daft reason , LOL.


Our lot at the Cuttsie's never went in for the hugging and kissing mode , Still don't , Although the present generation are like Eskimos on heat .

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47 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Bang on lass, My Mrs was a nurse at Middlewood  she instantly took to me for some daft reason , LOL.


Our lot at the Cuttsie's never went in for the hugging and kissing mode , Still don't , Although the present generation are like Eskimos on heat .

Parenting has certainly changed over the years, that's for sure.

Whether for good or ill is in the eye of the beholder,

but one things for sure; it's still the most difficult, but most important job you will ever do in your life.

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I wish my two conniving daughters would show me some gratitude.

The only thing their interested in is screwing me for every penny..

I label them as the "Ungrateful's"

I'm now at an age where I've outlived my usefulness, they want me bolted down in a box 6ft under..

The scheming pair make me do daft things, last year they had me Tomb-Stoning of Bridlington harbour wall.

Then they had me doing a grueling hike up Mam Tor not to mention the walk up Jacobs Ladder to Kinder Scout...

Now their getting desperate, But I'm sorry girls, I'm not doing a Bungee Jump!

I've got a few bob stashed away, and they can't wait to get their grubby hands on it...

Christmas is approaching and the crafty pair get all lovey dovey, they know it increase's the monetry value of their Xmas Card..

Sometimes I dare to get deviant and raise my voice, Only to be met with a tearful cry in unison of "WE DIDN'T ASK TO BE BORN"

Am I a mug, or just a caring Daddy.

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I notice or have noticed many parent child relationship over the years and one thing always sticks out like a sore thumb . If a load of inheritance is coming their way then it is surprising how attentive some of spring become .

The real stars are the kids that know they will be getting now't when Dad  or Mam  goes .  But still visit and care no matter what the inconvenience or cost . My daughter travels from York every week  just to say hello ( and give me a bollloking about summat or other ).  She is a star .




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