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32 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I really do get tired of this  repeated nonsense about France.  A few facts, France is the most successful military nation in Europe. In the years between 1109 and 1815 England/Britain and France  fought 41 wars.

Six of those wars were inconclusive ties , England/Britain won eleven and France won the other twenty four. https://www.thefrenchhistorypodcast.com/how-many-wars-have-france-and-england-fought-against-each-other/


Before that period, in 1066 Norman France invaded England and conquered it. Five Kings of England were born in France. No King  or Emperor of France was born in England. It's embarrassing, pack it in.

I have no French familial connection but I prefer fact to uninformed myth.

Im sorry that you get tired hearing the facts about France during WW2. Did you know they managed 6 weeks without surrendering? And you call that uninformed myth!! 6 weeks!! 

You're right its embarrassing.... for the french at least 😆🤣😂

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26 minutes ago, Cyclunt said:

Im sorry that you get tired hearing the facts about France during WW2. Did you know they managed 6 weeks without surrendering? And you call that uninformed myth!! 6 weeks!! 

You're right its embarrassing.... for the french at least 😆🤣😂

You really are ignorant on facts aren't you? " The facts about France " hilarious.  In early June 1985 my father and I were sat in my house watching the evening news on the TV.

At the end of the broadcast they went to their outside news team to watch the memorial ceremony to remember the 45th anniversary of Dunkirk.

It was very impressive, Marching bands, bagpipes swirling, flags flying , troops with colours proudly displayed, veterans marching with medals on their blazers, an RAF flypast and a member of the royal family taking the salute.

While it was being shown I was watching my father out of the corner of my eye. He was completely impassive, watched the whole thing without expression or comment.

When it returned to the studio he turned to me and with a wry smile said " Well son, I don't know what the rest of the lads were doing, but me, I was running away. " That's the man that raised me, don't give me any jingoistic BS tell it as it is.

He was five days on the beach waiting for a lift home, being bombed and strafed at regular intervals. Had there been a land border with France the Germans would have been  sat in Aberdeen eating Arbroath smokies and drinking Glenfiddich within a month.


Stop embarrassing yourself and your country.

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22 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You really are ignorant on facts aren't you? " The facts about France " hilarious.  In early June 1985 my father and I were sat in my house watching the evening news on the TV.

At the end of the broadcast they went to their outside news team to watch the memorial ceremony to remember the 45th anniversary of Dunkirk.

It was very impressive, Marching bands, bagpipes swirling, flags flying , troops with colours proudly displayed, veterans marching with medals on their blazers, an RAF flypast and a member of the royal family taking the salute.

While it was being shown I was watching my father out of the corner of my eye. He was completely impassive, watched the whole thing without expression or comment.

When it returned to the studio he turned to me and with a wry smile said " Well son, I don't know what the rest of the lads were doing, but me, I was running away. " That's the man that raised me, don't give me any jingoistic BS tell it as it is.

He was five days on the beach waiting for a lift home, being bombed and strafed at regular intervals. Had there been a land border with France the Germans would have been  sat in Aberdeen eating Arbroath smokies and drinking Glenfiddich within a month.


Stop embarrassing yourself and your country.

Are you on some kind of medication? If you want I could have some crayons sent round for you. As for an ignoramus..... well have a look at the history books. 6 weeks. Please feel free to prove me wrong xx (ps...it really was 6 weeks)

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1 hour ago, Cyclunt said:

Are you on some kind of medication? If you want I could have some crayons sent round for you. As for an ignoramus..... well have a look at the history books. 6 weeks. Please feel free to prove me wrong xx (ps...it really was 6 weeks)

Ad Hominem, the response of a total onanist. Six weeks? Didn't you read my post? ' Within a month ' drinking Glenfiddich in Aberdeen.

Neither the French, the Belgians, the Dutch,  or the British armies were capable of holding off the Germans in the 1940s it took the Commonwealth, America and Russia to compete.

Eight out of ten German soldiers killed in combat died fighting the Russians. The Germans lost nearly 2.4 million men fighting the Russians against 900,000 fighting on all other fronts.

And if it hadn't been for the Americans supplying the allies with armaments and joining in the Germans would have won anyway.


Facts, inconvenient at times, contradict your jingoistic bóllix don't they? 

This country can regard its action in WW2 with pride,  it needs no embellishment,  those that seek to Big it Up by spouting crap are an embarrassment.


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10 hours ago, Cyclunt said:

Yes, twice this summer. Worked in northern France on the Prologium battery plant so had plenty of time for reccy, and Paris wa s a lovely place. 

It WAS a lovely place!






Edited by trastrick
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9 hours ago, m williamson said:

You really are ignorant on facts aren't you? " The facts about France " hilarious.  In early June 1985 my father and I were sat in my house watching the evening news on the TV.

At the end of the broadcast they went to their outside news team to watch the memorial ceremony to remember the 45th anniversary of Dunkirk.

It was very impressive, Marching bands, bagpipes swirling, flags flying , troops with colours proudly displayed, veterans marching with medals on their blazers, an RAF flypast and a member of the royal family taking the salute.

While it was being shown I was watching my father out of the corner of my eye. He was completely impassive, watched the whole thing without expression or comment.

When it returned to the studio he turned to me and with a wry smile said " Well son, I don't know what the rest of the lads were doing, but me, I was running away. " That's the man that raised me, don't give me any jingoistic BS tell it as it is.

He was five days on the beach waiting for a lift home, being bombed and strafed at regular intervals. Had there been a land border with France the Germans would have been  sat in Aberdeen eating Arbroath smokies and drinking Glenfiddich within a month.


Stop embarrassing yourself and your country.

In the bigger picture The Dunkirk Evacuation involved a lot of heroism, from the the defenders on the 10 mile beach, the tommies still fighting delaying tactics on the mainland, the RAF who were giving cover, and the civilians who entered the hell hole with their rag tag navy who ferried them out to the RN ships who could not get in close.


"thus bringing the total of Allied troops evacuated to about 558,000" . "The men who were saved represented a considerable part of the experienced troops possessed by Great Britain and were an inestimable gain to the Allies" - Britannica.


Losing a battle is not losing the war!


Add to that the suicide kids who braved the North atlantic sea routes controlled by German U boats  and the Bismark Fleets to ferry fuel and supplies, the Battle of Britain suicidal pilots, and you have a nation to be proud of, not like the louts protesting and looting  in the streets today.


Matter of fact the only truly embarrassing moment of the War as when so called General De Gaulle, who had run away and spent his "war"in Britain, insisted on being the Western Allies Leader entering Paris to the grand welcome, after it was all over!


Not Eisenhower, Churchill or Truman , they weren't as narcissistic.😀


"De Gaulle entered the city in the late afternoon of August 25, declaring Paris liberated by the French while barely mentioning the Allied forces, which had lost 50,000 troops since June 6."




Edited by trastrick
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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

In the bigger picture The Dunkirk Evacuation involved a lot of heroism, from the the defenders on the 10 mile beach, the tommies still fighting delaying tactics on the mainland, the RAF who were giving cover, and the civilians who entered the hell hole with their rag tag navy who ferried them out to the RN ships who could not get in close.


"thus bringing the total of Allied troops evacuated to about 558,000" . "The men who were saved represented a considerable part of the experienced troops possessed by Great Britain and were an inestimable gain to the Allies" - Britannica.


Losing a battle is not losing the war!


Add to that the suicide kids who braved the North atlantic sea routes controlled by German U boats  and the Bismark Fleets to ferry fuel and supplies, the Battle of Britain suicidal pilots, and you have a nation to be proud of, not like the louts protesting and looting  in the streets today.


Matter of fact the only truly embarrassing moment of the War as when so called General De Gaulle, who had run away and spent his "war"in Britain, insisted on being the Western Allies Leader entering Paris to the grand welcome, after it was all over!


Not Eisenhower, Churchill or Truman , they weren't as narcissistic.😀


"De Gaulle entered the city in the late afternoon of August 25, declaring Paris liberated by the French while barely mentioning the Allied forces, which had lost 50,000 troops since June 6."




We certainly lost the battle with Germany when it came to compensation for the second world war when our government kindly let Germany off with the billions of pounds they owed us so that "they could re-unite Germany",  after the fall of the Berlin wall, unlike our friends the Americans who made us pay every penny.

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10 hours ago, m williamson said:

Ad Hominem, the response of a total onanist. Six weeks? Didn't you read my post? ' Within a month ' drinking Glenfiddich in Aberdeen.

Neither the French, the Belgians, the Dutch,  or the British armies were capable of holding off the Germans in the 1940s it took the Commonwealth, America and Russia to compete.

Eight out of ten German soldiers killed in combat died fighting the Russians. The Germans lost nearly 2.4 million men fighting the Russians against 900,000 fighting on all other fronts.

And if it hadn't been for the Americans supplying the allies with armaments and joining in the Germans would have won anyway.


Facts, inconvenient at times, contradict your jingoistic bóllix don't they? 

This country can regard its action in WW2 with pride,  it needs no embellishment,  those that seek to Big it Up by spouting crap are an embarrassment.


Why are you constantly banging on about how well THIS country did in the war?? I have never once mentioned Great Britain. I was quite clearly talking about the French. I would draw you a picture but sadly I have no crayons left after sending them to you. I have enjoyed reading your big words and accusations, however as you verbally attacked me first, I have no other option than to consider you as just another one of lifes *****. 

Keep it coming dooper, as I will have the last word xx

4 hours ago, trastrick said:

In the bigger picture The Dunkirk Evacuation involved a lot of heroism, from the the defenders on the 10 mile beach, the tommies still fighting delaying tactics on the mainland, the RAF who were giving cover, and the civilians who entered the hell hole with their rag tag navy who ferried them out to the RN ships who could not get in close.


"thus bringing the total of Allied troops evacuated to about 558,000" . "The men who were saved represented a considerable part of the experienced troops possessed by Great Britain and were an inestimable gain to the Allies" - Britannica.


Losing a battle is not losing the war!


Add to that the suicide kids who braved the North atlantic sea routes controlled by German U boats  and the Bismark Fleets to ferry fuel and supplies, the Battle of Britain suicidal pilots, and you have a nation to be proud of, not like the louts protesting and looting  in the streets today.


Matter of fact the only truly embarrassing moment of the War as when so called General De Gaulle, who had run away and spent his "war"in Britain, insisted on being the Western Allies Leader entering Paris to the grand welcome, after it was all over!


Not Eisenhower, Churchill or Truman , they weren't as narcissistic.😀


"De Gaulle entered the city in the late afternoon of August 25, declaring Paris liberated by the French while barely mentioning the Allied forces, which had lost 50,000 troops since June 6."




Explaining this to Willy-Son is probably a huge waste of finger skin x

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