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Randy Andy In Trouble Again?

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7 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I don't think it's a case of supporting them, but more of taking a more nuanced and rational approach.


Before I explain I've absolutely no doubt Prince Andrew has an eye for a good time and seems a complete idiot.


However, let's get thing into prospective, he is not some sexual predator who hides in bushes waiting for children to pass by, and has not been charged with any crime don't forget.  It's probably a controversial opinion but the woman who he allegedly had a thing with was no child, she was a young lady who knew right from wrong, ( she was 17,!!)  and what was she doing on the island and where were her parents?  I highly doubt Andrew knew she was 17, what if he was told she was over 18?  This is where the common sense, rather than " support" of him comes into play.


It's the same to an extent with Boris Johnson. Again before I explain I think he made an absolute pigs ear of his time as PM and deserved his fate, however....


In my opinion, all his screw ups were completely over blown, especially the complete fiasco with that birthday cake nonsense, the picture of him having some cheese in his garden.... it was pathetic. 


Again, it's not particularly " support" but just a more common sense approach on how to view things without being swept along with all the juvenile hyperbole.



Oh Shurrup making excuses!   this is why these people get away with the stuff they do because of numptys like you.

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5 hours ago, Delbow said:

Maybe they have something in common

Yes like Prince Andrew I have never been charged with a criminal offence or been found guilty in a court of law of committing a criminal offence.   The whole allegations regarding Prince Andrew are all about lawyers making huge sums of money and nothing to do with him doing anything criminal. 

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