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Worst xmas days you ever had?

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 well this could be intresting ,what was your own worst xmas day ? mine i ended up with a cheese sarnie ,due to a row ,but alas i had a nice meal boxing day,and at least i had a few beers ,but others must of had it worst and many will this christmas and  i hope all our thoughts are with them,but  whats your worst?

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58 minutes ago, bassett one said:

go on then ,i also must admit there was a few john smiths,crisps and pickled onions as well

It got me to thinking and yes, I can top it. By some distance as well.

It would be about 20 years ago. I travelled the country with work and I had my house rented out. On a weekend when I managed to get home I'd stay with this woman I was seeing at the time. I had loads of gear round her house. Went back for Christmas holidays, big bust up and was told to pack my stuff and get out. Had to put all my stuff into storage and was just sat in town, having a coffee, feeling sorry for my self and  thinking what are you going to do now. Phone went and it was an old work mate of mine who I hadn't heard from for a bit, explained everything to him and he says no problem, come up here and stay with me. He lived alone in Grimsby. So I had my dinner at his place, had to cook it myself as he was round his family's place. So I did at least get my dinner, just had a small chicken. 

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When I was a nurse I had to work on Christmas Day. It was a geriatric ward and three patients had died. After the bodies had been certified dead by a doctor, me and another nurse had to “ lay out” the bodies ready to be taken to the mortuary.

Not a very pleasant Christmas  Day at all !,,

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When we had our first married Xmas to save money I brought in a tree from the back garden which looked like a Xmas tree.   After the meal and present opening and as the room was very warm by then,  we noticed a lot of bugs falling off the tree which was because of the warmth.

M-in-l was staying with us and she soon got rid of them,  wasn't funny at the time,  I have kept only fake ones since then but have a real one in the garden.

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Ooooh let me think.

2 Christmas's ago my family banned me and the kids from spending Christmas with them because we're aren't jabbed and we refused to wear muzzles. 

We didn't find out we'd been banned until we arrived so we headed back home and stuck some chips in the oven. We had chips eggs and beans for Christmas dinner but hey, at least we aren't jabbed so every cloud and all that.



You see?

That's how it's done. From Bad Christmas days to convid in 8 posts.

Non of that 3 page rubbish,

Amateur 🤣

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49 minutes ago, KP Nuts 2 said:

It got me to thinking and yes, I can top it. By some distance as well.

It would be about 20 years ago. I travelled the country with work and I had my house rented out. On a weekend when I managed to get home I'd stay with this woman I was seeing at the time. I had loads of gear round her house. Went back for Christmas holidays, big bust up and was told to pack my stuff and get out. Had to put all my stuff into storage and was just sat in town, having a coffee, feeling sorry for my self and  thinking what are you going to do now. Phone went and it was an old work mate of mine who I hadn't heard from for a bit, explained everything to him and he says no problem, come up here and stay with me. He lived alone in Grimsby. So I had my dinner at his place, had to cook it myself as he was round his family's place. So I did at least get my dinner, just had a small chicken. 

Can't imagine you having a bust-up you are such a happy person,  let me guess,  she had dinner all ready and you were late and she lost it?

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14 minutes ago, cressida said:

Can't imagine you having a bust-up you are such a happy person,  let me guess,  she had dinner all ready and you were late and she lost it?

No, she was a very jealous person. We'd gone down the local pub and it transpired that the barmaid had been installed as landlady by the brewery. Not sure what had happened but the previous landlord and landlady left in a rush. The barmaid had been wanting a pub the brewery needed someone in quick and everything fell into place for everyone. Well I've kept a couple of pubs previously and I got chatting to the new landlady about her new venture, I was just trying to impart some knowledge.

Unbeknown to me there was trouble brewing and all hell was let loose when we got home.

Well, that was the start of it anyway.

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