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New Years Eve. What Are Your Plans?

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18 hours ago, Janet24 said:

Away in North Yorkshire with friends - same 8 people who we’ve been away for New Year with for the last 40 years !. Children came with us every year,now they all have  families of their own,so it ‘s back to just the oldies. We celebrate our 48th Wedding Anniversary on New Year’s Day and are truly grateful that we’re all still here and ( reasonably) hale and hearty. Happy New Year everybody!

Sounds like a plot from an up-and-coming episode of Vera. 


Keep safe and all the best for 2024



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Sorted Haggis in't fridge, Neeps have been boiling for a week 😲.


The 0% option has certainly improved over the years.

0% Guinness is as good as the real stuff  (from memory)

Tesco's have a good stock of the non falling down water.

St Peters 'Without' tastes as good as any malty beer. £1.50 a bottle.

Days Pale ale again good and only a £1 a bottle

The Eisberg Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are both excellent pretend red wines.

Haven't tried the Thatchers 0% cider yet should help wash the Haggis down though.


Keep safe out there.  Bring on the Bagpipes 8).




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Well after watching the world news it seems like the police and security services will be spending their New Year trying to protect us law abiding citizens from being blown to smithereens from nutters and Pro Palestine protesters.


How sad that any major event that used to be a time for celebrations and families is now ruined by religious nut jobs trying to kill us. Still, it's been this way for years now so I guess it's something else they have ruined for us.

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My plans? Nothing.  Been there done that 


When I was younger it started with a local pub ticket only event. £10 and must be in before 7:30 before the doors were locked.  Sitting there for hours on end waiting for the big moment, The free glass of gassy cava and 'lovingly prepared' buffet consisting of makro catering pack delicacies and some curly sandwiches...


We've sometimes 'gone big' and headed down town to the posh bars and clubs.  All the lads in their finest check shirts from Topman or Burtons and the girls in their tight Morgan or Tammy Girl dresses wobbling around on their heels. Drinking the overpriced sugary cocktails and then off to the club for the big moment. Waiting for the balloon drop and licence for everyone to start slobbering over each other....


I've even once paid a fortune to head down to London itself. Having a microwaved three course meal and some box wine at several hundred pounds per head. Enjoying the big moment from a boat l, which I will concede was a rather spectacular viewpoint, but involved freezing your bits off on a deck in the middle of the Thames for merely sub 10 minutes of show, followed by an endless wait for the crowds alongside the bank to disburse before you could finally disembark and march slowly towards your hotel.


Now as I've got older I couldn't give a fig about it. I don't see it as some reset button or chance to dream and hope about the future.


99.9% of what I am doing right now at the end of 2023, I'll be doing on  1st January 2024.  It's just tripping over midnight like it does everyday. A new day - new week - new month - new year. Round around it goes. 


I never really know if it's celebrating the fact we somehow managed to survive the past 12 months or some delusional dreaming of the wondrous next 12 months.


Either way, I'm passed it now.  Quite happy to stay at home and just let it happen.  If I can be bothered I might flick over onto BBC just to see the fireworks but even they've become a cut and paste job.  Every year same type of light show, lots of bangs and screeches accompanied by contemporary music and a load of selected,  supposedly inspirational and uplifting, quotes playing out. 

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17 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

My plans? Nothing.  Been there done that 


When I was younger it started with a local pub ticket only event. £10 and must be in before 7:30 before the doors were locked.  Sitting there for hours on end waiting for the big moment, The free glass of gassy cava and 'lovingly prepared' buffet consisting of makro catering pack delicacies and some curly sandwiches...


We've sometimes 'gone big' and headed down town to the posh bars and clubs.  All the lads in their finest check shirts from Topman or Burtons and the girls in their tight Morgan or Tammy Girl dresses wobbling around on their heels. Drinking the overpriced sugary cocktails and then off to the club for the big moment. Waiting for the balloon drop and licence for everyone to start slobbering over each other....


I've even once paid a fortune to head down to London itself. Having a microwaved three course meal and some box wine at several hundred pounds per head. Enjoying the big moment from a boat l, which I will concede was a rather spectacular viewpoint, but involved freezing your bits off on a deck in the middle of the Thames for merely sub 10 minutes of show, followed by an endless wait for the crowds alongside the bank to disburse before you could finally disembark and march slowly towards your hotel.


Now as I've got older I couldn't give a fig about it. I don't see it as some reset button or chance to dream and hope about the future.


99.9% of what I am doing right now at the end of 2023, I'll be doing on  1st January 2024.  It's just tripping over midnight like it does everyday. A new day - new week - new month - new year. Round around it goes. 


I never really know if it's celebrating the fact we somehow managed to survive the past 12 months or some delusional dreaming of the wondrous next 12 months.


Either way, I'm passed it now.  Quite happy to stay at home and just let it happen.  If I can be bothered I might flick over onto BBC just to see the fireworks but even they've become a cut and paste job.  Every year same type of light show, lots of bangs and screeches accompanied by contemporary music and a load of selected,  supposedly inspirational and uplifting, quotes playing out. 

I always enjoy your post's ECCO.

But that is one of your finest. Absolutely spot on :thumbsup:

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Christmas and New Year were always big celebrations with our many relatives when I was young because it was my mom's  and an uncle's birthday on 29th Dec , a cousin's birthday on Boxing Day and my dad's birthday on New Years Day.     Nowadays New Years Eve in our house is just like any other evening  ( thank goodness )  I'm not keen on parties and fuss etc  but everybody to their own.



from  Francy   xxxx

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