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What Did You Want For Xmas Vs What You Got!

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30 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Why do you hate it?

Never had a good time at Christmas and don’t agree with the it’s all about money and what you’ve spent on people part that a lot of people seem to have as for the religious part of it pah don’t believe in any of the sky faries. Having said that I’ve never said anything to anyone who does do Christmas if they enjoy it good for them go for it.

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7 hours ago, *Wallace* said:

I got sod all which is exactly what I wanted we don’t do Christmas both of us hate it and we’re happy it’s gone.

Congratulations Wallace you’ve just passed the audition for the part of Scrooge in the next production of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol.😀


Edited by echo beach
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I’m quite happy with what I’ve got already but this year I additionally received a case of craft beer, Peroni (Italian leanings again!) and wine, some Brut aftershave (to remind me of the ‘60s), a box of shortbread biscuits, a T shirt, a large Toblerone, 2 pairs of braces (so my trousers don’t fall down and to recall the 40s) and a voucher for 2 nights away in a hotel. I immediately thought of the Big Apple but it’s apparently restricted to the UK so the nearest I’ll get is Somerset or cider country as it’s known!



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