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What ever happened to the Rag Mag?


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  • 1 year later...



Just thought I'd let you know that Twikker has been restarted this year, and will be sold either over the summer or early next uni year.


I'm hoping to take over as editor next year, so with any luck it will be back to stay!!


It's starting off quite small, but if it gets the support it used to, it shouldn't take long to get it back to it's old size!


If anyone wants to know about distribution etc, feel free to contact me.




Sheffield Rag

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Twikker took its name from the pronunciation "Us" locals have for places, such as T'pub, T'match and obviously refers to the Wicker, which is uniquely Sheffield if a little less important in the 21st C.


Good luck re-launching it, I think the rise of "VIZ" coincided with the demise of numerous uni rag mags as both types of publication were similar in market, style and feel (Rag mags were wordier but the humour was paralell and the rag mags were annual instead of monthly).


in the 80's you could go in a sheffield pub and buy rag mags from Notts, Hull, Leeds etc as well Twikker


let me know some advertising rates, we always try to reach students as well as the public at large



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  • 2 years later...

Twikker was still going in the early 90s. I edited the mag for two years from 1990 to 1991, along with Ewen McLaughlin. It was at a time when power in the students' union shifted away from the students, towards the management. They had never been big fans of Rag, even though we were raising in excess of £100000 for charities each year. The demise of Twikker, and ultimately Sheffield Rag started with the banning of Pyjama Jump, an event which alone raised £30000+ each year.

In my first year at Uni, in 1987, the students' union attempted to ban Twikker (it was the one with the gold cover) due to some allegedly racist comments made in an article about the Devil offering marriage guidance on hallowe'en. The article had been borrowed from Punch, which had been on sale at the Union shop some months before. So no hypocrisy there, then. The ban was overturned at the biggest EGM of the union's history. I was there.

I'm glad to see the mag is on its way back.

Michael Conyers

Editor of Twikker 1990-1992

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I bought one in town about a year ago from students on Fargate. It turned out to be a little six or eight page thing with a few pc jokes and large adverts, a total disappointment. It used to be a major part of student rag week and along wither pajama-jump and other events, twicker had some quality but no more, the only thing left is nostalgia.

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Just thought I'd let you know that Twikker has been restarted this year, and will be sold either over the summer or early next uni year.


I'm hoping to take over as editor next year, so with any luck it will be back to stay!!


It's starting off quite small, but if it gets the support it used to, it shouldn't take long to get it back to it's old size!


If anyone wants to know about distribution etc, feel free to contact me.




Sheffield Rag


Glad the “Rag Mag” is making a return....I don’t think it be allowed in its original format. The politically correct brigade would have a fit.


Good luck with it Rachel.

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