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Sheffield Wednesday Fc V Hull

bassett one

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Rohl surprised me with how attack minded his starting line up was, we were bossing the game even before the red card which I thought was harsh at the time but not seen it back, three quality strikes gave us a strong lead till Hull hit back with a pen (not sure what it was given for) but the Owls held on and are looking good, Huddersfield in our sites now but a couple of tough games follow the FA cup weekend.

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20 hours ago, Hotmale 1954 said:

We looked a tired lot at Preston.

Even Danny looked shattered.

IF we've been suitably rested, we may have recovered enough to battle again.

I'll credit Rohl with being savvy enough to rest them, and I'll adjust my thoughts appropriately.

HOW DO YOU DO an umlaut??????????


I think we'll lose to a better team. A team chosen from a  bigger, fresher squad.

A draw would be a good result.

It goes without saying, a win would be brilliant.

IF we can create a similar number of chances as in recent games, we might just be super clinical and put them all away.

You never know, it could be our best day all season.

I hope so.





WELL! No signs of tiredness. We had a go from minute one. We looked a decent team at times. We DID create chances, we WERE more clinical and 'Ya' it was my best day of the season.

We're not as fluent and pleasing as I'd like us to be and I'm sure DR is of the same mind. I'm sure he knows how to improve things, whereas I don't.

Well done Wednesday!

A great result ......... again.

Edited by Hotmale 1954
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10 hours ago, crookesey said:

I would be obliged if the person/persons responsible for showing replays would do so during breaks in the game, not when it is in play.

Other than for that, what a great result, and referee😆

Yes, It's frustrating isn't it, especially when you can hear the crowd in the background getting worked up, you know somethings afoot but they're showing the replay.

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