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Flue In Sheffield

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23 hours ago, pfifes said:

It’s a less common spelling but correct nonetheless.  

I work in respiratory and have never seen it spelt that way, less common it must be bloody rare.

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15 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

We predicted vaccine passports, push towards 15 minute cities, cashless society, digital dependency. 

Were these conspiracy theories or simple predictions for the future. I have had a vaccine passport for over 50 years now so wondering when you predicted them

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8 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

We predicted vaccine passports, push towards 15 minute cities, cashless society, digital dependency. 

What exactly is so sinister about a 15 minute city?  Do you believe this means being imprisoned in your own home and forbidden to use your car?  Or does it just mean that everyday amenities are within a 15 walk meaning less pollution from short car journeys?  

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10 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

We predicted vaccine passports, push towards 15 minute cities, cashless society, digital dependency. 

Vague, buzz-word phrases that can be wafted in the general direction of any societal change with the claim that it's all somehow a conspiracy to grab control of your life.


Believing these things are some kind of sinister plots that you and your fellow conspiracy theorists have somehow uncovered is just a way for you to feel clever in the face of people with actual evidence, education, understanding, experience etc. when they tell you that you're talking out of your rear-end.


20 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

How do we know they aren't injecting something else, like the convid vaccine? I don't trust them anywhere near me with a needle after what I've seen over the past 4 years.

What have you 'seen' over the last 4 years?

Edited by AndrewC
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11 hours ago, foxydebs said:

I work in respiratory and have never seen it spelt that way, less common it must be bloody rare.

Well flue is in my dictionary as an abbreviation of influenza so I don’t believe it’s incorrect anyway.

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5 minutes ago, pfifes said:

Well flue is in my dictionary as an abbreviation of influenza so I don’t believe it’s incorrect anyway.

What dictionary? please also provide the revision and publish date, and/or ISBN if it has one..

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9 minutes ago, pfifes said:

Well flue is in my dictionary as an abbreviation of influenza so I don’t believe it’s incorrect anyway.

Be honest, you made a typo and you are just doubling down 😂😂😂

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11 hours ago, Irene Swaine said:

We predicted vaccine passports, push towards 15 minute cities, cashless society, digital dependency. 

We didn't have vaccine passports, they only talked about it.


We didn't have 15 minute cities,  they only talked about it.


We don't have a cashless society,  cash use is officially on the rise.


Only those who want a digital dependency,  have got one.  I don't even have a smart phone and don't want one..


It seems your predictions were a bit hasty and you keep jumping too soon.


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3 hours ago, Ghozer said:

What dictionary? please also provide the revision and publish date, and/or ISBN if it has one..

Good grief!  Am I being asked to present evidence for trial by the Sheffield Forum🤣


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