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Corporatocracy Pushing Partners To Accept Gm Food

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Corporatocracy pushing trade partners to accept genetically modified, sprayed food

Under corporate pressure, the U.S. government insists that GM corn and glyphosate (Roundup) are not only safe but that nations refusing to import them, without sufficient scientific evidence, violate the USMCA (the United States Mexico Canada Agreement). 

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, however, is determined to save his country’s heritage, food sovereignty and security, and his people’s health from the impacts of these products.

López Obrador has issued two decrees in an attempt to ban GM corn imports and phase out the use of glyphosate (Monsanto's Roundup). The first, issued in 2021, set Mexico on course to completely phase out imports of GMOs and foods treated with the controversial herbicide Roundup, as summarized by IATP (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy) senior advisor Timothy A. Wise.The law would phase out use of the herbicide glyphosate and the cultivation of genetically modified corn. . . . The government would also phase out GM corn imports in three years and the ban would include not just corn for human consumption but yellow corn destined primarily for livestock.

Big Agriculture turns up pressure

The pushback from the U.S. in response to Mexico's decree was swift. Referring to The Guardian, former Common Dreams staff writer Kenny Stancil explained that the agricultural industry was spearheading the government’s attack on the Mexican decree:[2]

[A]grochemical company Bayer [which bought Monsanto], industry lobbyist CropLife America, and U.S. officials have been pressuring Mexico's government to drop its proposed ban on the carcinogenic pesticide.

According to Stancil, The Guardian reviewed internal documents obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity through an FOIA request. The emails obtained by the Guardian revealed that Mexico was coming under the same pressure that Thailand experienced when trying to rein in Big Agriculture:

[T]he pressure on Mexico is similar to actions Bayer and chemical industry lobbyists took to kill a glyphosate ban planned by Thailand in 2019. Thailand officials had also cited concerns for public health in seeking to ban the weed killer, but reversed course after U.S. threats about trade disruption.

GMOs - expanding markets

How corporate greed foists GM crops on U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries was the subject of an article for Common Dreams by retired third-generation Wonewoc, Wisconsin dairy farmer and president of the National Family Farm Coalition Jim Goodman.[3] Goodman described the touted benefits the industry claimed GM crops would provide:

It all sounded good, but none of it was true. The real truth was—and this was never mentioned—that these commodity crops were designed to produce vast corporate profit as they helped usher in a wave of corporate consolidation, loss of small farms, declining rural economies, and a foisting of untested GM food on unknowing consumers.

While these GM crops dominate the fields of North America, the seed and chemical companies saw the world as their target for even more profit. Their grants to university researchers, lobbying pressure and campaign contributions to state and federal legislators made GM the so-called face of "progressive" and profitable farming.

To make that goal of international dominance a reality, industry leaders then pressured legislators to ease access to foreign markets. Such corporate control of government has been defined “corporatocracy.”

Factory made Beef, Factory made Chicken what more could you want - Let's have some GM flour, Potatoes, Bread etc. I fear our Government will be letting this junk into  the UKvery soon now. If they haven't all ready.

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It's up to the rest of the world to tell America to do one.

They don't decide for us.


Further than that,  I remember your many, many dire warnings regarding Covid and the dangers of  vaccinations which would clear most of us off this planet in no time.

In view of that,  we will have very little to worry about regarding this warning too.   Did this come from the same conspiracy theory website ?

Edited by Organgrinder
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20 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It's up to the rest of the world to tell America to do one.

They don't decide for us.

Who does decide for us?  I'm fairly sure it's not the Government (despite it's name) All partys putting on their best bib and tucker for the run up to the General Election, as if it will make a Differance to us, the General Public.

I've learnt a new word today " Corporatocracy " and I think it best describes who is running the country.


(Noun - a system or society in which corporations have economic, political, and often judicial control)

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3 hours ago, aardvark6535 said:

Who does decide for us?  I'm fairly sure it's not the Government (despite it's name) All partys putting on their best bib and tucker for the run up to the General Election, as if it will make a Differance to us, the General Public.

I've learnt a new word today " Corporatocracy " and I think it best describes who is running the country.


(Noun - a system or society in which corporations have economic, political, and often judicial control)

Our government has always decided for us which is why we are not eating American chlorinated chicken and other foods that they accept.


I'm not at all interested in playing schoolboys with new words,  big companies don't impress me and we'll see who's in charge when the time comes.


Verbs - greedy, corrupt.    a system in which someone THINKS they have control.     At the end of the day,  our governments are careful  NOT to press the public too far.


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Business, Trade and Finance has had power over the governments of the majority of countries in the world for centuries.


General Smedley Butler of the US Marines was one of the most decorated military men America ever had. He was also a man with a conscience and was aware of the influence of corporations on government policy.

His comment about the comparison with Al Capone was well made.


https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/253269-i-spent-33-years-and-four-months-in-active-military  He served in the early part of last century, not much changes when money and power are involved.

Edited by m williamson
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4 hours ago, aardvark6535 said:

I fear our Government will be letting this junk into  the UK very soon now. If they haven't all ready.

It's hard to know what you've cut and pasted and what you've added yourself. But I think you need to be more nuanced than the above if you want educated people to debate this and come on board, or not.


There may be many benefits of GM food now and in the future as people die from poor dietary choices and lack of nutrients. We may have to engineer in healthier lipids, widely lacking nutrients such as Vit A, C, D, B12, polyphenols, isoflavones etc., for the pragmatic reasons of increasing public heath. It would be good if this was done without Corporatocratic control though.



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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, Palomar said:

It's hard to know what you've cut and pasted and what you've added yourself. But I think you need to be more nuanced than the above if you want educated people to debate this and come on board, or not.


There may be many benefits of GM food now and in the future as people die from poor dietary choices and lack of nutrients. We may have to engineer in healthier lipids, widely lacking nutrients such as Vit A, C, D, B12, polyphenols, isoflavones etc., for the pragmatic reasons of increasing public heath. It would be good if this was done without Corporatocratic control though.



I suppose I can be hypocritical here, I don't feel/think that Gm food is the solution, but EDUCATION could be, it doesn't take an IQ of 140 to know that a diet of Burgers, Chips and Chicken nuggets are bad for you.

It is well documented that No One in the UK can get the required amount of vitamin D, in fact no one at this latitude can get the required amount because of the lack of Sunlight, so taking a vitamin D supplement is recommended.




Yep! That's why we have FLUORIDE IN OUR WATER and "Apeel" on our fruit and Veg, both of which are considered toxic, both of which have been allowed by our caring government.

Edited by aardvark6535
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3 hours ago, aardvark6535 said:

I suppose I can be hypocritical here, I don't feel/think that Gm food is the solution, but EDUCATION could be, it doesn't take an IQ of 140 to know that a diet of Burgers, Chips and Chicken nuggets are bad for you.

It is well documented that No One in the UK can get the required amount of vitamin D, in fact no one at this latitude can get the required amount because of the lack of Sunlight, so taking a vitamin D supplement is recommended.




Yep! That's why we have FLUORIDE IN OUR WATER and "Apeel" on our fruit and Veg, both of which are considered toxic, both of which have been allowed by our caring government.

You should see how toxic pure water is. 

Careful out there, now.

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3 hours ago, aardvark6535 said:


Yep! That's why we have FLUORIDE IN OUR WATER and "Apeel" on our fruit and Veg, both of which are considered toxic, both of which have been allowed by our caring government.

I agree with that comment and,  if I had a choice,  I would refuse every additive that I am fed.

That doesn't alter the fact that,   I would still sooner put my trust in our governments judgement than some American multi billion dollar company    whish is what I said in the first place.

I would also like all nosy meddlers such as you,   to keep out of other peoples diets and just concentrate on your own.


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