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Why Should Someone Who Attacks A White Man Get A Less Severe Sentence ?

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44 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Are young men being targeted because of who they are - That is, did they become victims because they are young men?

As I understand the law, not all criminals whose crime was motivated by hate are given a sentence uplift as there isn't the evidence to substantiate it. 

It might be worth you going back to Hansard where Parliamentary debates are recorded, and reading the justification for the introduction of laws relating to incitement to racial hatred (IIRC that was introduced in the late 1980s, and the Criminal Justice Act 2003 which relates to crimes relating to disability and sexual orientation, I think). If I remember correctly The Law Society also do some really good briefings too. 

As I indicated above, politicians who like to wind up members of the public about 'woke laws' and 'woke policing', have left this legislation alone, which may give you some indications of their motives.

Much of this is covered in the sentencing guidelines, which are followed fairly closely;
Those guidelines also provide a link to The Equal Treatment Bench Book

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