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World Birthrate

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6 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Well the current UK Govt hasn't has it. 


Carer jobs were put on the Shortage Occupation list a couple of years ago, so if you run a care home or run a company providing care on a local authority contract & you can find a suitable migrant worker to fill a vacancy, (they must have a reasonable standard of English language, have certain vaccinations before entering the UK, have police checks, (which all seems reasonable to me), & the UK employers no longer even have to advertise the job to UK workers), then they can take up a care job. 


For this the migrant workers are expected to be paid a minimum of just over £23,000 for a 37.5 hour week or at least £15.88 per hour. 


Well above the National Minimum Wage. 



But since then... https://www.homecareassociation.org.uk/resource/significant-fall-in-health-and-care-visa-applications.html

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55 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

 Can you tell me which link you want me to comment on?  The first is about student visas which is irrelevant to the care sector. 


If you follow that link, you get to this: 


'The government has been consistently clear that dependant visa numbers have been both disproportionate and unsustainable, which is why decisive action was taken to restrict care workers from bringing dependants.'


So because care workers coming to the UK can no longer bring dependents, fewer of them come. Which wouldn't be an issue if enough of the existing population wanted to be carers, but they don't. In the same way that they don't want to pick fruit, so that now migrants from the EU can't now come to do it, farms are recruiting people from places like Nepal. 


Ultimately, the reason we need so many carers (and medical staff) is because there are so many older people who need medical attention and care. There aren't enough younger workers to fill the roles, so you either rely in immigration, which just postpones the problem because those people will also get old, or you deliberately allow life expectancy to drop. I don't think any of the main political parties are being honest about this.



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3 hours ago, Delbow said:


Ultimately, the reason we need so many carers (and medical staff) is because there are so many older people who need medical attention and care. There aren't enough younger workers to fill the roles, so you either rely in immigration, which just postpones the problem because those people will also get old, or you deliberately allow life expectancy to drop. I don't think any of the main political parties are being honest about this.



Surely Conservatives believe in supply and demand? If there is a shortage in a certain profession, the salary will increase to tempt more people into that role.

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21 minutes ago, El Cid said:


Surely Conservatives believe in supply and demand? If there is a shortage in a certain profession, the salary will increase to tempt more people into that role.


Well, care providers believe in maximising profit so they keep wages down. If people are prevented from coming to the UK to do care work, I suspect a lot of care providers would rather jack it in and go into another business rather than pay higher wages to UK workers.

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24 minutes ago, El Cid said:


Surely Conservatives believe in supply and demand? If there is a shortage in a certain profession, the salary will increase to tempt more people into that role.


Well, care providers believe in maximising profit so they keep wages down. If people are prevented from coming to the UK to do care work, I suspect a lot of care providers would rather jack it in and go into another business rather than pay higher wages to UK workers.

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As well as people increasingly choosing not to have kids, human semen now contains significant levels of microplastics, which have been shown to reduce fertility in mice. This is in the news again today because one study has found microplastics in all the semen they analysed, though it was a small sample (ahem).


So even those who want children may find this more difficult due to plastic pollution.

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11 hours ago, Delbow said:

As well as people increasingly choosing not to have kids, human semen now contains significant levels of microplastics, which have been shown to reduce fertility in mice. This is in the news again today because one study has found microplastics in all the semen they analysed, though it was a small sample (ahem).


So even those who want children may find this more difficult due to plastic pollution.


Blame the old reliable Climate Change due to pollution, this time by "plastic bits"😀


Most vulnerable are always the poor and disadvantaged third world.


Except in the poor and disadvantaged third world, they seem to be multiplying like rabbits.


Nothing to do with the developed country's liberation of women in education, career choices, birth control access, abortion on demand and their independence from producing a brood to help them scratch a living from the fields in their old age.


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  • 2 months later...

Japan's birth rate has fallen another  nearly 6%  compared to last year. Man, they really don't want children. Even if the government persuades more people to have kids, due to the ongoing decline in the population that might not be enough to even stabilise the population. Don't go investing long term in real estate in Japan, there's gonna be a glut soon.

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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

Japan's birth rate has fallen another  nearly 6%  compared to last year. Man, they really don't want children. Even if the government persuades more people to have kids, due to the ongoing decline in the population that might not be enough to even stabilise the population. Don't go investing long term in real estate in Japan, there's gonna be a glut soon.


I did a quick Google and came up with this.



But if you look at the economy of Japan, you will see that they are getting wealthier, poor journalism?

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