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War On The Motorist. How Long Before It Comes To Our City.

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On 14/01/2024 at 19:46, Prettytom said:

Excellent news.


Can we get some more red light cameras too.


Oh, and legalise car canons, so that I can eliminate the tossers who block crossroads when they are waiting to turn right, ignoring the fact that other traffic wants to go straight on.


Specifically 😁


You had a black face the other day. What face will you be using next week, a yellow one?

Edited by mart
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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You can compare various types of being naughty as much as you like but traffic infringements have nothing at all to do with stealing from shops.

In the same way as littering, if you commit an offence,  whether accidentally or with intent,  you are guilty and should learn from it and pay up.

As we discuss, local authorities are the cause of untold  damage from potholes to the cars of law abiding citizens, simply because the council fail in their duty to repair quickly enough. By the time the repairs are done the damage has ocurred. Not criminal but a more important issue than bus gates etc. 

Edited by mart
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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Cobblers, populism is exactly what that definition stated :

a person, especially a politician, who strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.

You claim you are not making political points but that is exactly what you are doing.

You are saying society should take people's money and spend it on what the government at the time deems is good for them.

That was bad enough, but in actual fact it is going a stage further now : society deems itself the arbiter of how people should love their lives and how much risk they should be allowed to take to do what they want. What happened during Covdi was the ultimate example of that but there are more and more examples emerging almost weekly......

  Mistake number one. You introduced the word populism. I did not.

  Mistake number two. You then wrongly define populism as a "a person, especially a politician...".  'Populism' obviously is not a person.

   Mistake number three. You are ignoring what I said which was  "Government populist policy...",  Neither "Government" or " populist policy" is a person.

   Mistake number four is your assumption that I made "...political points...". I did not say or imply anywhere  that "....society should take people's money and spend it on what the government at the time deems is good for them."  That is pure invention on your part and just a lead into your repetitive " Modern Life Is Rubbish" and "Covid Thread" wibble.

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42 minutes ago, mart said:

As we discuss, local authorities are the cause of untold  damage from potholes to the cars of law abiding citizens, simply because the council fail in their duty to repair quickly enough. By the time the repairs are done the damage has ocurred. Not criminal but a more important issue than bus gates etc. 

 1 - I agree with Delbow that vehicles are the cause of potholes and not councils.       I've never seen council officials on their hands and knees with hammers and chisels,  defacing the road.

 2 - The care of law abiding citizens does not fall under the terms of our discussion whereby I have been making clear my thoughts on people being fined for going through bus gates.

 3 - You may feel that other things are more important issues than bus gates and you have every right to that view.  I suggest you start up a new thread to that end whilst we finish our discussion here,

        otherwise you will find your subject is being discussed in the wrong thread because we are discussing    "the war on motorists"   which would be an odd title for a care homes discussion.


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17 hours ago, Delbow said:

I think that's pretty fair. Once everyone is dumping their car for a 1L or 1.2L car or an EV then I'll believe it's really beginning to bite. I don't see that happening now though.

The first two might be right to a certain extent, but not an EV. They are far more expensive and have other issues associated with them, mainly recharging and range.

But, actually, even your first point is not always correct. Many people need a car of a certain size, I need an estate of at least medium size for occasional work use plus when we go camping or even to the airport. You cannot get 3 or 4 people and three large suitcases in my wife's Yaris.

There are other issues, a friend of mine of a certain age, bought a Qashqai because he needs a car that's higher off the ground than his old Fiesta as he was finding it harder to get in and out of the latter.


15 hours ago, Delbow said:

It's actually vehicles that are the cause of potholes, not councils. 

But the councils are supposed to repair them

Edited by Chekhov
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15 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

  Mistake number one. You introduced the word populism. I did not.

  Mistake number two. You then wrongly define populism as a "a person, especially a politician...".  'Populism' obviously is not a person.

   Mistake number three. You are ignoring what I said which was  "Government populist policy...",  Neither "Government" or " populist policy" is a person.

   Mistake number four is your assumption that I made "...political points...". I did not say or imply anywhere  that "....society should take people's money and spend it on what the government at the time deems is good for them."  That is pure invention on your part and just a lead into your repetitive " Modern Life Is Rubbish" and "Covid Thread" wibble.

Go all round the house you want, but what populism really means is putting policies forward to the voters that they may actually want to vote for.

That is democracy.

I may not have agreed with Brexit but the voters had the right to vote on it, just like they should have the right to vote on whether they want to be forced to drive electric cars or whatever. To deny them that right, by all the main parties adopting the same basic policy, is profoundly undemocratic.


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10 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

But it's the councils responsibility to put them right, and they usually do on council estates.

Do they?


Have you any data to back that up?


Or is it just a bit of snobbery on your part?

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