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Rule Britannia .

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Britannia rule the waves .

So the shanti song goes . Until now it seems,      as some nutter who is a cellist decided its not a appropriate song to end the last night of our Proms being racist and says it makes him feel uncomfortable .

He walked out of the Albert Hall at lasts years gig before the final rendering of this classic that makes us all blow out our chest with pride as we all be we black white Christian or Jew join in and let it belt out      I presume he took the money for his part in the gig though , Bloooody Hypocrite comes to mind . 

Sauce,       dont ask me for sauce its HP every time .



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He is entitled to his opinion and without doubt the song will be removed in the near future just to keep the peace. The noisy minority always get their way eventually as the majority just can't be bothered with the hassle of it all, more important things to worry about.

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

Britannia rule the waves .

So the shanti song goes . Until now it seems,      as some nutter who is a cellist decided its not a appropriate song to end the last night of our Proms being racist and says it makes him feel uncomfortable .

He walked out of the Albert Hall at lasts years gig before the final rendering of this classic that makes us all blow out our chest with pride as we all be we black white Christian or Jew join in and let it belt out      I presume he took the money for his part in the gig though , Bloooody Hypocrite comes to mind . 

Sauce,       dont ask me for sauce its HP every time .



Opened a can of worms with that one .

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Whoever thinks that Brittania still rules the waves ?        We did once but that was a long,  long,  time ago when we had an Empire.

I don't actually mind them playing the music and I've played it myself along with the others,   but I do understand those who disagree.

Not worth having a row over it though.

Edited by Organgrinder
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9 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Its a song like Onward Christian soldiers , ban em all , We are a set of jingoistic little Englanders , Send us all to Rwanda ,


8 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

To sing rule Britania in Britain is really weird, I just don't know what people are thinking, how dare they! :hihi:


8 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Some sad people on SF these days.

Grow up for Christ's sake.

Nobody said ban them,   or don't sing them,  but other people do have a right to their opinion too.

Or maybe you 3 think they don't ?


As I said,  Not worth having a row over.

Edited by Organgrinder
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