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The Law And Bullying - A Specific Question.

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5 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I would love to see bullies of any age punished.


Count me in.

Your idea of a bully ?


Someone who debates and asks you questions you can't answer ?


Someone who calls you racist when you've just made a racist post.


Someone who won't allow perverted sexual accusations to be made against them ?


Sorry  -  that's just being an ordinary bloke who won't stand for lies and bullsh*t.


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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Your idea of a bully ?


Someone who debates and asks you questions you can't answer ?


Someone who calls you racist when you've just made a racist post.


Someone who won't allow perverted sexual accusations to be made against them ?


Sorry  -  that's just being an ordinary bloke who won't stand for lies and bullsh*t.


What you blabbering on about now chuckles?


I thought we were discussing the OP suggestions.


What's up, you all alone with no one to argue with?

Go feed your birds you silly sausage.


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There are ways to sort Bullies out!  At school on one occasion a Bully was doing his rounds in the School play ground then it was my turn,  he approached me so I smacked him straight in the gob, he said why did you do that because I was just about to offer you a piece of chocolate, so I replied thats was just a taster so that you don't bother me in future, he never did!  There is another way! Gather the people being bullied by an individual and confront him in numbers, he will soon back down. 

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26 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

What you blabbering on about now chuckles?


I thought we were discussing the OP suggestions.


What's up, you all alone with no one to argue with?

Go feed your birds you silly sausage.


When are you going to make a start then ?      Any chance of a grown up conversation at last.

Not much discussion up to now.


One suggestion from me:        If social media gets you down so much then why not stay off it ?


The world is a hard place with many very upsetting things happening. 

To discuss those things can be upsetting in itself in cases where some posters believe in a "hang 'em"  or a "nuke 'em" philosophy.

As it's not for the faint hearted,  maybe the faint hearted could give such discussions a miss.


I'm very much against the relaxed attitude shown to the bullying of kids,  whether by kids or adults and,  despite much talk about stopping it,  nobody ever gets round to it.

Bullying of adults is still rife in the workplace,  including Westminster so maybe we could see positive steps being taken at the very top first,  rather than last. 


Edited by Organgrinder
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14 hours ago, Mister M said:

I've started this thread because there is yet another case of young person who has committed suicide because of bullying. This time it happened over social media.

The outline of the case is reported here:

Schoolgirl, 14, found dead after alleged bullying by boys, London inquest hears | London | The Guardian


I know that this instance of a young person taking their own life is not an isolated one; and no doubt there will be yet another examination of social media etc.

However my question is a specific one. Could the boys who bullied this young girl be prosecuted?

I know that bullying is as old as the hills, but at least in the old days you could go home, and feel safe in the evening and night. With social media it's constant.

There have been numerous cases over the years where a child has literally taken their own life because of the actions of others, and I've often wondered, why haven't the police acted? I've always assumed that's because there is no law there to protect them.

I know there are a couple of legal practitioners on this forum, could they explain the law and it's practice in this area?

Purely as a layman with no legal training,  I would think that there is no law to deal with that situation.

I very much think that there certainly should be such a law but I also think that law & order in general has been allowed to diminish to the point where it's hard to deal with anything at all.


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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

What you blabbering on about now chuckles?


I thought we were discussing the OP suggestions.


What's up, you all alone with no one to argue with?

Go feed your birds you silly sausage.


This is typical of  certain posters on this forum   -   line 2  claiming he is discussing the OP suggestions but not a word of discussion in that direction.


Instead a reference to  "blabbering"  and a bit of name calling on line one.     -    Nothing to do with the thread and not even sensible conversation.

A similar stupid line on line 3.   -    Nothing to do with the thread again,   and not even sensible conversation..

A reference to my bird feeding activities on line 4 and a further bit of name calling.   -    What on earth does the fact that I feed the birds have to do with ANY thread on this forum ?

Grow up Bundy.   

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

This is typical of  certain posters on this forum   -   line 2  claiming he is discussing the OP suggestions but not a word of discussion in that direction.


Instead a reference to  "blabbering"  and a bit of name calling on line one.     -    Nothing to do with the thread and not even sensible conversation.

A similar stupid line on line 3.   -    Nothing to do with the thread again,   and not even sensible conversation..

A reference to my bird feeding activities on line 4 and a further bit of name calling.   -    What on earth does the fact that I feed the birds have to do with ANY thread on this forum ?

Grow up Bundy.   

Oh my we are in a bad mood today, what's happened chuckles, nothing too serious I hope?


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Just now, Al Bundy said:

Oh my we are in a bad mood today, what's happened chuckles, nothing too serious I hope?


Nothing at all.  Just waiting for you to mature and start addressing the topic rather than the way I pass my time.


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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

Good stuff.


As you were, chuckles.



Proving once again,  that you are here simply as a troll and most definitely NOT to discuss the topic.


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