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Get Them Boots Ready Chaps.

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National Service continued after WW2  because manpower was still needed to police the dwindling British Empire,plus several hot spots around the world.

I am not sure that given the nature of modern warfare that basically trained men would be anything other than an expensive pretence of force.

All the services depend on technology and specialist operators.

I can see some merit in a 12 month conscription to provide essential services within the U.K. to be competed between the age of 18 to 25 which might give some direction and discipline to those who need it.

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36 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I've always been in favour of National Service but always been against the idea of going to war unless we were attacked.

Servicemen in peacetime could be used on a part time basis to swell the numbers of organisations such as the NHS,  after all,  the services have medical personnel.

National Service breeds discipline, smartness and training for useful vocations which are often in the national interest.


Sometimes it is necessary to attack first in order to defend our country and interests.  The military action against the Houthi terrorists is a good example.


I agree about making good use of servicemen during peace time.  The return of National Service would not just about training soldiers to fight.

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21 minutes ago, echo beach said:

You could have said that about conscription in WWII.

It’s thanks to the thousands who fought and died that we are here today able to speak freely.

If they hadn’t done that it doesn’t bear thinking about what this country and perhaps the world would have been like.



It’s not 1939, we are not in danger of being invaded, war is the last option, extinction is a possibility, for God’s sake ‘GIVE PEACE A CHANCE’

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40 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Tell that to the conscripted soldiers in the second world war. Or the American boys who fought in Vietnam. 


War is an obomination.

It is exactly about killing and being killed.

It has no place in a civilised world.  

All wars end round a table. That's how they should be conducted, not with bullets and bombs and killing thousands of innocent people.


Cut out the middle bit, Or let the President, Prime Minister, Dictator etc slug it out to the death in personal combat. Wars would stop overnight.



We all know War is an obomination but in the real world it happens, I agree with lots of your post but sometimes I think you and Corbyn should be sat in the middle of some hippy cult in a  Glastonbury field with flowers in your hair and smoking some happy fags.  :loopy:

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59 minutes ago, geared said:

Bring in a system like they've got in America.  Give those in court up for relatively minor offences the option, prison time or sign up for the armed forces.


That'd help solve the issue of low numbers enlisting. without having to resort to conscription.  Could even chuck in a financial incentive as well, sweeten the deal.

So you think that conscripting criminals to guard our shores is a good idea then?



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2 minutes ago, crookesey said:

So you think that conscripting criminals to guard our shores is a good idea then?



At the moment that would be a good idea! They would be able to distinguish the real criminals from the legitimate asylum seekers landing on our shores. :hihi:

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1 hour ago, geared said:

Bring in a system like they've got in America.  Give those in court up for relatively minor offences the option, prison time or sign up for the armed forces.


That'd help solve the issue of low numbers enlisting. without having to resort to conscription.  Could even chuck in a financial incentive as well, sweeten the deal.

That occurred to me a few years ago,  in the front line😉

54 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

We all know War is an obomination but in the real world it happens, I agree with lots of your post but sometimes I think you and Corbyn should be sat in the middle of some hippy cult in a  Glastonbury field with flowers in your hair and smoking some happy fags.  :loopy:

Idealism won't be any defence against aggression sadly.

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