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Tax Cuts Or Services Cut - You Decide.

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It's Election year, so this is going to come up for sure. I believe the Conservatives will be promising tax cuts, but don't forget that will have to be paid for somewhere else, probably cuts to services which are already in an almighty mess.


Councils are already £100 Billion in the red (BBC news) and in danger of going bankrupt. They have already cut everything to the bone and had to cut services, so where's it going to come from? They are being allowed to put Council tax up further by the Government, so it will be a case of giving with one hand and taking back with the other (but they hope it will make the Tories look good and get them elected, and they will be able to but the blame for cuts on the council.)


Remember tax cuts substantially favour the rich who will save far more than the average tax payer, whereas the average tax payer relies much more on public servicces (the rich can afford to go private.)

So what will it be? Will you be voting for tax cuts that we really can't afford, or improvements to services?  

Edited by Anna B
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Wiser spending must also be part of the equation together with better control of Government Purchasing and Contracts.

How many major schemes are completed on time and within budget?Precious few.

HSR,Hinckley Power Station,Aircraft Carriers ,PPE contracts,and no doubt refurbishment of H of P.and many more.

Meanwhile the services that people need are neglected.and never more sothan in the last 10 years.

I want Government to firstly serve the population whether that be Housing,NHS,affordable Childcare places,etc.

Johnson said he would sort out the care sector.

Get the basics sorted and ring fenced whoever is in power.

I am a Socialist (just left of centre)at heart but whoever is in power should have the interest of people over and above anything else.

As for Tory tax cuts.Not the right time and fiddling about with £50 here and £50 there is just for most people is hardly life changing.

The real meaningful tax cuts are aimed at the wealthy and comfortably off as always,hence the ever widening gap between the haves and have nots.

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The answer is simple stop throwing money at boat people, don't give them anything free accomodation, mobile phones, iPads or money but give all the money saved, billions,  it to our cash strapped councils 

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12 minutes ago, vmam said:

The answer is simple stop throwing money at boat people, don't give them anything free accomodation, mobile phones, iPads or money but give all the money saved, billions,  it to our cash strapped councils 

You've been conned.  Don't listen to so much Tory propaganda and then only believe a quarter of what they tell you.

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23 minutes ago, vmam said:

The answer is simple stop throwing money at boat people, don't give them anything free accomodation, mobile phones, iPads or money but give all the money saved, billions,  it to our cash strapped councils 

Certainly something is simple

Just to add scrap the Rwanda farce that is costing hundreds of millions and achieving nothing

Edited by RJRB
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12 minutes ago, El Cid said:

How about tax rises to pay down our debt, no increase in public services? 

I wouldn't object to tax rises, as long as I could see measurable improvements to public services for the money.

In spite of years of austerity, penny pinching and cuts to services which have mostly affected the hard working population, our national debt has doubled under the Tories.

Where's the money gone?


Edited by Anna B
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5 minutes ago, El Cid said:

How about tax rises to pay down our debt, no increase in public services? 

You will never manage to pay down government debt so it just has to be whittled away as best we can mange.

As an old bloke,  I remember how long it took to pay for WW2.

People also forget that we have options with taxes apart from just raising and lowering them.

There are direct and indirect taxes and there are easy ways to take the poor out of taxation altogether and still raise the money for services.

Ask yourself WHY,  we could afford all the services we needed until recent years and now we find that we cannot afford the things we've been used to all our lives.

One easy answer is look at privatisation  -  we could easily afford services before they were privatised.


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You've been conned.  Don't listen to so much Tory propaganda and then only believe a quarter of what they tell you.

If it was only £1,000 I'd still stop it.

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