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Tax Cuts Or Services Cut - You Decide.

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6 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Quite obviously,  it shouldn't need saying  -  EVERY GOVERNMENT who's been in charge since the very beginning of this disgraceful episode.

That's the second time you have been pulled up on that .  Best to say "every Government" next time . :thumbsup:

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2 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

That's the second time you have been pulled up on that .  Best to say "every Government" next time . :thumbsup:

I'll say what I please,   when I please as I always have,   and always will.

Not my fault if tory supporters are looking for a "get out of jail" card and can't find one.

Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Will you please run for Prime minister?

Not for me.


Strategic decision making, carrying out debates and negotiations may be, but I don't have the right temperament to be dealing with constant public intrusion, backstabbing and media manipulation.  


The PM salary may well be well over average but there's plenty of professions that get paid equal if not substantially more than that.  Plenty of them are working within other departments of government or the NHS or local authorities.


Unlike MPs and the PM they don't have to be putting up with having every single decision you make, word you say, dialogue you write, clothes you wear, food you eat, how you brush your hair..,...  Constantly up for analysis, scrutiny, challenge, comparison, debate, criticism and gossiping by everyone.  In fact, it's more often than not, all been done by people with not the faintest idea of what the job involves or any ideas of their own.


Just like we are doing right now on this very forum.


Yep, not for me.  £164k a year not worth it.  

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3 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Say what you want but say it correctly .

I'll say what I please,   when I please as I always have,   and always will

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17 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Not for me.


Strategic decision making, carrying out debates and negotiations may be, but I don't have the right temperament to be dealing with constant public intrusion, backstabbing and media manipulation.  


The PM salary may well be well over average but there's plenty of professions that get paid equal if not substantially more than that.  Plenty of them are working within other departments of government or the NHS or local authorities.


Unlike MPs and the PM they don't have to be putting up with having every single decision you make, word you say, dialogue you write, clothes you wear, food you eat, how you brush your hair..,...  Constantly up for analysis, scrutiny, challenge, comparison, debate, criticism and gossiping by everyone.  In fact, it's more often than not, all been done by people with not the faintest idea of what the job involves or any ideas of their own.


Just like we are doing right now on this very forum.


Yep, not for me.  £164k a year not worth it.  

But apart from that.....



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31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I wonder how much people costs have increased since Labour was last in office ?

Energy bills, rents,  mortgages, food, transport etc.   

And how much have people lost since then.

You could book a quick appointment with a doctor or dentist when Labour was in. You could be dealt with normally by the NHS if you needed an operation etc.

The high streets were full of well stocked shelves in shops then and you could buy what you wanted, when you wanted.

Pubs, cafes and leisure facilities abounded then.


How much have people's salaries gone up?


Also let's not start going into the realms of fantasy. Getting an appointment with a GP and dentist has been a running gag for decades. I have no doubt that covid will have put further pressures on the service but given that most GP practices and dentist surgeons are private run operations, maybe ought to be asking them why you cant get to see a doctor and everything is telephone based despite, in my recent experience, empty waiting rooms.


Operations are still  being done on the NHS and the elements of the service which are going private hands is not a new concept. You might like to know that way back in 2009 when another certain political party was in charge the amount of NHS work involving  the private sector was around 20%. On last recorded stats in 2019, it's still around 20%.   So not so much the great NHS sell off as a doom mongers predict is it.  


Last time I checked there were still shops on the High Street, they were still stocked. There's still cafes and bars and leisure facilities which are all  frequented.  


The way we shop has changed, the type of shops we want has changed but that's all come with the advancement of internet shopping and instant delivery which we consumers have embraced  wholeheartedly. Can hardly blame the government for that can we? 


Do people want the government to state sponsor Woolworths and turn it into the British version of a GUM?  


Or perhaps bring back the good old wartime British Restaurant, as a communal feeding centres for everyone?


Edited by ECCOnoob
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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Not for me.


Strategic decision making, carrying out debates and negotiations may be, but I don't have the right temperament to be dealing with constant public intrusion, backstabbing and media manipulation.  


The PM salary may well be well over average but there's plenty of professions that get paid equal if not substantially more than that.  Plenty of them are working within other departments of government or the NHS or local authorities.


Unlike MPs and the PM they don't have to be putting up with having every single decision you make, word you say, dialogue you write, clothes you wear, food you eat, how you brush your hair..,...  Constantly up for analysis, scrutiny, challenge, comparison, debate, criticism and gossiping by everyone.  In fact, it's more often than not, all been done by people with not the faintest idea of what the job involves or any ideas of their own.


Just like we are doing right now on this very forum.


Yep, not for me.  £164k a year not worth it.  

This forum gets more laughable every day.

Don't tell me you seriously think that you could take a pot at being PM of the UK on the strength of Bundy inviting you to run.


There'll be plenty of seasoned politicians such as Cruella jockeying for the job and I'm not sure they'll invite applications from some odd bod who contributes to a discussion forum.

They're also looking for some presidential material in the states to run for the leadership  -  maybe the money over there would suit you better.

At least the comedians are multiplying and we do need a good laugh. 



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