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Tax Cuts Or Services Cut - You Decide.

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2 hours ago, vmam said:

The answer is simple stop throwing money at boat people, don't give them anything free accomodation, mobile phones, iPads or money but give all the money saved, billions,  it to our cash strapped councils 

I've collected a few more of The Pride Of Eckington's classics for your edification:



Anyone who is arrested from any foreign country should be deported...without a trial.


I use the local taxi firm in Eckington, all local drivers and I can talk to the drivers without having to listen to eastern music or not understanding what they are saying.


What do you refuse to watch on tv - adverts showing hardly any white actors.


Sat outside Sainsbury's door was a middle eastern man begging for money, just why do the authorities allow these people spoil a once decent area.


Should heterosexuals march to show how proud we are?


When labour came to my door canvassing for votes, I asked why only immigrants were getting all the empty properties, I told him I didn't want to live in an African village.


We lived in the same council Maisonette for fifty four years, it was brilliant then the council put Immigrants in 16 of the 20 Maisonettes, rubbish everywhere, grassed areas dug up to plant corn, cooking on the pavement.


Hedgehogs...I'm sick of them, they crap all over the lawn and if you tread in it without seeing it, it ends up on the carpet in the house.


I've never used or had a wallet...I never carry more than a tenner as I never want to buy anything that costs over a tenner.

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2 hours ago, vmam said:

The answer is simple stop throwing money at boat people, don't give them anything free accomodation, mobile phones, iPads or money but give all the money saved, billions,  it to our cash strapped councils 

Don't worry..none of that is happening only on your head 

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56 minutes ago, vmam said:

If it was only £1,000 I'd still stop it.

You are,  like everyone else,  entitled to that view if you wish.

That sounds as if maybe you have reason's other than financial for not wanting them here.

Again, you're entitled to your personal views,  but I wanted to correct the falsehood that they cost us billions.


You do realise,  that whilst the Tories tell you how hard they are working to stop around 40 thousand boat people,  they allowed three quarters of a million to come in legally in one year


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18 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You are,  like everyone else,  entitled to that view if you wish.

That sounds as if maybe you have reason's other than financial for not wanting them here.

Again, you're entitled to your personal views,  but I wanted to correct the falsehood that they cost us billions.


You do realise,  that whilst the Tories tell you how hard they are working to stop around 40 thousand boat people,  they allowed three quarters of a million to come in legally in one year


i agree with that and how many have they lost ,just gone walkies, give us tax cuts after creating the biggest tax bill ever ,they have had 13-14 years to sort out immigration 

so taxes up

Immigration up

NHS worse than ever


a complete mess ,wheres all the millions from Brexit 

higher amount than ever on sick 

huge unemployment

we have to bring in foriegn labours as our unemployed wont pick fruit ect 

they had partys while all us little people stayed at home in covid

they have had 2 non voted  people running our country 

5% mortage rates caused by them

only staying in power as long as they can to save there jobs

13-14  years of rubbish and they will stay as long as they can get them out i say ,then it will be house of lords or sickness benefit or after lunch talks of how good they were or writing books,apart from that not bad.

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1 hour ago, Palomar said:

I've collected a few more of The Pride Of Eckington's classics for your edification:



Anyone who is arrested from any foreign country should be deported...without a trial.


I use the local taxi firm in Eckington, all local drivers and I can talk to the drivers without having to listen to eastern music or not understanding what they are saying.


What do you refuse to watch on tv - adverts showing hardly any white actors.


Sat outside Sainsbury's door was a middle eastern man begging for money, just why do the authorities allow these people spoil a once decent area.


Should heterosexuals march to show how proud we are?


When labour came to my door canvassing for votes, I asked why only immigrants were getting all the empty properties, I told him I didn't want to live in an African village.


We lived in the same council Maisonette for fifty four years, it was brilliant then the council put Immigrants in 16 of the 20 Maisonettes, rubbish everywhere, grassed areas dug up to plant corn, cooking on the pavement.


Hedgehogs...I'm sick of them, they crap all over the lawn and if you tread in it without seeing it, it ends up on the carpet in the house.


I've never used or had a wallet...I never carry more than a tenner as I never want to buy anything that costs over a tenner.

Fame at last, if you have trolled through posts it shows your bleeding heart, don't comment unless you have lived among immigrants.

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7 minutes ago, vmam said:

Fame at last, if you have trolled through posts it shows your bleeding heart, don't comment unless you have lived among immigrants.

We all live and work alongside a wide variety of people and cultures, although perhaps not in Eckington - distance from Sheffield in miles 7, distance from Sheffield in years 50.

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30 minutes ago, vmam said:

Fame at last, if you have trolled through posts it shows your bleeding heart, don't comment unless you have lived among immigrants.

Most people alive today have lived,gone to school with,worked with ,been served by,been treated by,been cared for by,had a taxi driven by first and second generation immigrants.

Irish,West Indians,Ugandan Indians,Jews,Pakistanis,Indians, and numerous others have arrived here over the last 70 years and largely assimilated into our country.

By all means let’s see the Government tackle illegal immigration (HaHa).but other than that get real

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