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Tax Cuts Or Services Cut - You Decide.

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Immigrants / refugees won't stop coming until the world is a more equal and satisfactory place for everyone.

Well hopefully the governments of these countries from where the immigrants come from can stop filling their pockets with aid from the Western world and actually start spending some of it on infrastructure and their people rather than blaming everyone else for their troubles.

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11 minutes ago, RJRB said:

Most people alive today have lived,gone to school with,worked with ,been served by,been treated by,been cared for by,had a taxi driven by first and second generation immigrants.

Irish,West Indians,Ugandan Indians,Jews,Pakistanis,Indians, and numerous others have arrived here over the last 70 years and largely assimilated into our country.

By all means let’s see the Government tackle illegal immigration (HaHa).but other than that get real

I've no truck to the people you mention If they work, it's the ones coming by the thousands with their hands out, just for the record I had a Pakistani friend at school from Lahore, I've worked with Arabs from Aden, Egypt, Jamaicans, Italians, Irish and Poles and everyone were hard workers, l got on with everyone of them.

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1 hour ago, vmam said:

Fame at last, if you have trolled through posts it shows your bleeding heart, don't comment unless you have lived among immigrants.

Is that what you consider to be fame ?               What a strange kind of thinking.                  I would have been ashamed to put my name to a collected pile of prejudice like that.

Due to various reasons which individuals cannot control,  immigration is bound to increase in the future so you look like having a very unhappy future unless you can reconcile yourself with real life.


It seems strange that your comment in post #22,   does not match up with what you have said and were quoted in post #17,

Many have misgivings about immigration for many very good reasons quite unconnected with racism or prejudice,  and those I understand even though I may not agree,

but many of your quoted comments in post #17 are purely and simply prejudice at it's very worst.     Your only comment I could agree with,  is that people should work and support themselves. 


Edited by Organgrinder
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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

I wouldn't object to tax rises, as long as I could see measurable improvements to public services for the money.

In spite of years of austerity, penny pinching and cuts to services which have mostly affected the hard working population, our national debt has doubled under the Tories.

Where's the money gone?


Uk debt is £2,636.9 billion + £63.5 defecit = £2,700 billion


During Prime Minister's Questions on 22 November 2024, the prime minister told MPs "we have indeed reduced debt".


But that is not the case if you include the defecit! But different media outlets have a different story.


Debt has risen to 88.3% of GDP in November 2023 from 85.1% in December 2022. While debt is forecast to fall from 93.2% in 2027/28 to 92.8% the following year, this is predicated on unrealistic cuts to public spending.





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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Well hopefully the governments of these countries from where the immigrants come from can stop filling their pockets with aid from the Western world and actually start spending some of it on infrastructure and their people rather than blaming everyone else for their troubles.


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I believe the tax system in the UK is flawed against local authorities as everything is channelled to central government.
Local authorities should be able to set up their own tax office for the county or city so funding goes to the them first with a proportion then being sent to central government.

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Services, well I’m very unimpressed with the service from the Rheumatology Dept of the Teaching Hospital, neither was I impressed with the close to a half hour wait for an ambulance following my father in law suffering a heart attack in our house, as it happens he was probably dead before the hit the floor, not the point though. I can’t comment on the Police as I haven’t seen one for longer than I can remember, fortunately we haven’t needed the services of Fire & Rescue so can’t comment. 

Well that’s my two penneth, for what it’s worth.

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19 hours ago, Anna B said:

It's Election year, so this is going to come up for sure. I believe the Conservatives will be promising tax cuts, but don't forget that will have to be paid for somewhere else, probably cuts to services which are already in an almighty mess.


Councils are already £100 Billion in the red (BBC news) and in danger of going bankrupt. They have already cut everything to the bone and had to cut services, so where's it going to come from? They are being allowed to put Council tax up further by the Government, so it will be a case of giving with one hand and taking back with the other (but they hope it will make the Tories look good and get them elected, and they will be able to but the blame for cuts on the council.)


Remember tax cuts substantially favour the rich who will save far more than the average tax payer, whereas the average tax payer relies much more on public servicces (the rich can afford to go private.)

So what will it be? Will you be voting for tax cuts that we really can't afford, or improvements to services?  

Have they cut council executives pay to the bone. I've heard nothing.

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4 minutes ago, spilldig said:

Have they cut council executives pay to the bone. I've heard nothing.

Good point. But then Executive pay has gone through the roof in many situations, leaving the workers behind. No outcry, no argument, no news coverage, no picketing etc, like there is when ordinary people want a pay rise...

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2 hours ago, Findlay said:

I believe the tax system in the UK is flawed against local authorities as everything is channelled to central government.
Local authorities should be able to set up their own tax office for the county or city so funding goes to the them first with a proportion then being sent to central government.

The Tories wanted to copy the USA where they have elected Mayors, using the first past the post, so maintaining the two party system.

Local Authorities should raise their own revenue, we should have an elected Yorkshire Authority instead of a Mayor.

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