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Tax Cuts Or Services Cut - You Decide.

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22 hours ago, Anna B said:

Councils are already £100 Billion in the red (BBC news) and in danger of going bankrupt. They have already cut everything to the bone and had to cut services, so where's it going to come from?

Maybe, just maybe, they're crappily managed?

Liverpool council may have squandered up to £100m of public money




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8 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

Maybe, just maybe, they're crappily managed?

Liverpool council may have squandered up to £100m of public money




I agree. The Government is certainly crappily managed.

They've squandered Billions. (HS2 anybody?)

Edited by Anna B
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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Maybe, just maybe, they're crappily managed?

That is the image that the Conservative government would like you to believe, but the government are in debt to around £140 billion. 

Are they badly managed too 🤣

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

That is the image that the Conservative government would like you to believe, but the government are in debt to around £140 billion. 

Are they badly managed too 🤣

I don't think it's an image, more fact.






Just a couple of examples.

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It certainly is not a good image for local authorities.
It is because local councils are given crumbs so they are not accountable for alot. If they were given proper financial powers then more accountability measures would surely be put in place.


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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

That is the image that the Conservative government would like you to believe, but the government are in debt to around £140 billion. 

Are they badly managed too 🤣

And it's worse than that EC.

Last year the non partisan group Best for Britain published a spending tracker which detailed the crony contracts, wasteful expenditure, and dodgy deals over 4 years of this Government which have cost the taxpayer an eye watering £100 billion:


Scandalous spending tracker - Best for Britain




Note this list doesn't include the huge waste of public money on the failed HS2 scheme, nor the lost revenue caused by Brexit.



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Labour want what's best for the people.

Conservatives want what's best for them and their cronies.


Generalisations of course but a jolly good rule of thumb. 

Never has it been more blatant than with this current conservative government. which is one reason why the gap between rich and poor is growing exponentially.

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14 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Labour want what's best for the people.

Conservatives want what's best for them and their cronies.


Generalisations of course but a jolly good rule of thumb. 

Never has it been more blatant than with this current conservative government. which is one reason why the gap between rich and poor is growing exponentially.

If that was the case Anna, then why do the people keep voting for the conservatives, and have been doing so for many years?

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10 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

If that was the case Anna, then why do the people keep voting for the conservatives, and have been doing so for many years?

Because they believe that their values and the values they think the Tories have are aligned?

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29 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

If that was the case Anna, then why do the people keep voting for the conservatives, and have been doing so for many years?

The simple answer is that they don’t.


The Tories have won just two outright majorities in the last 30 years. One of those was a majority of 12 and a government that lasted barely two years. The other was the bunch of charlatans that we are currently stuck with.


Neither party has won over 50% of the vote in my lifetime.

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