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Was the population much better off when Labour were in power,  what was their plan for bettering our lives,  what's their plan now,  has it differed?

What people want imo is a change for the better - not guaranteed,  so when we vote it's taking a chance or many chances.

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3 hours ago, Prettytom said:

The simple answer is that they don’t.


The Tories have won just two outright majorities in the last 30 years. One of those was a majority of 12 and a government that lasted barely two years. The other was the bunch of charlatans that we are currently stuck with.


Neither party has won over 50% of the vote in my lifetime.


With 48,844,292 electoral registrations in 2021, the Conservatives only got 13,966,454 votes in the 2019 general election, yet they ended up with a massive majority, the system is rigged.  
Edited by El Cid
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5 hours ago, Mister M said:

Because they believe that their values and the values they think the Tories have are aligned?


Aided and abetted by the media, the whole ethos of the United Kingdom is that the 'great and the good' are born to rule from the King down. It has always been so for a thousand years, (The Labour party has only existed for a mere hundred.) Britain is still very much riddled by a class system


The Aristocracy are still very much in evidence in positions of power and influence, in Parliament especially in the house of Lords where they wield  great influence. They are still living in the age of Empire. An awful lot of the population are forelock tugging serfs at heart, and see them as the masters to be respected and obeyed. Some envy them, some wish to emulate them. but nobody is prepared to get rid of them. 


The average Aristo is Confident, loud, bombastic, and has an air of self importance and entitlement that's difficult to beat. They're prepared to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want, (How do you think they got where they are in the first place) and do so with impunity.  

Ever since their days at Eton or Cambridge they stick together and have friends in high places who aid them. They are devious, quite prepared to play dirty, but are also adept at superficial charm which they can turn on and off like a tap.

Edited by Anna B
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31 minutes ago, Anna B said:


Aided and abetted by the media, the whole ethos of the United Kingdom is that the 'great and the good' are born to rule from the King down. It has always been so for a thousand years, (The Labour party has only existed for a mere hundred.) Britain is still very much riddled by a class system


The Aristocracy are still very much in evidence in positions of power and influence, in Parliament especially in the house of Lords where they wield  great influence. They are still living in the age of Empire. An awful lot of the population are forelock tugging serfs at heart, and see them as the masters to be respected and obeyed. Some envy them, some wish to emulate them. but nobody is prepared to get rid of them. 


The average Aristo is Confident, loud, bombastic, and has an air of self importance and entitlement that's difficult to beat. They're prepared to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want, (How do you think they got where they are in the first place) and do so with impunity.  

Ever since their days at Eton or Cambridge they stick together and have friends in high places who aid them. They are devious, quite prepared to play dirty, but are also adept at superficial charm which they can turn on and off like a tap.

Holy smoke .

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Here we go.  

Trotting out the media bias crap.


The Labour Party has more than double the membership of the conservative party and yet somehow keep losing elections.  That rare big success landslide was only when they became what most of their hardcore fanatics detested as being 'tory lite'.  


The labour party that you say is 'party of the people' keeps being rejected by the very same salt of the earth working class people.  The message should be perfectly clear what people really want and it ain't what the labour have frequently offered.  It certainly isn't that socialist utopia that you long for.


People see through their reverse snobbery, their we know what the ordinary people want arrogance, overinflating the public sector and cosying up to their union puppet masters.  


Maybe they need to start looking at their own problems instead of the excuse making.


Class, social climbing, nepotism, greed, looking after ones own, advancement, hereditary privilege, rich vs poor are basic traits in human society and have been for centuries. It is certainly not a British problem. It extends to every part of society on this planet.  Neither is it going to magically disappear with some change of government from any side of the house.  


You say nobody is prepared to "get rid of them" but get rid of them where.  One leaves. Another one comes along. Are you so deluded to think that there's not going to be some sort of privileged leader?


Do you seriously think there's going to be some magic solution to make the world equal.  There is never going to be the rich and the destitute?  There's never going to be exploitation?  Never going to be those who work hard and those who don't?  Those lucky enough to inherit and others starting from scratch?  


It's fantasy.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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49 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Here we go.  

Trotting out the media bias crap.


The Labour Party has more than double the membership of the conservative party and yet somehow keep losing elections.  That rare big success landslide was only when they became what most of their hardcore fanatics detested as being 'tory lite'.  


The labour party that you say is 'party of the people' keeps being rejected by the very same salt of the earth working class people.  The message should be perfectly clear what people really want and it ain't what the labour have frequently offered.  It certainly isn't that socialist utopia that you long for.


People see through their reverse snobbery, their we know what the ordinary people want arrogance, overinflating the public sector and cosying up to their union puppet masters.  


Maybe they need to start looking at their own problems instead of the excuse making.


Class, social climbing, nepotism, greed, looking after ones own, advancement, hereditary privilege, rich vs poor are basic traits in human society and have been for centuries. It is certainly not a British problem. It extends to every part of society on this planet.  Neither is it going to magically disappear with some change of government from any side of the house.  


You say nobody is prepared to "get rid of them" but get rid of them where.  One leaves. Another one comes along. Are you so deluded to think that there's not going to be some sort of privileged leader?


Do you seriously think there's going to be some magic solution to make the world equal.  There is never going to be the rich and the destitute?  There's never going to be exploitation?  Never going to be those who work hard and those who don't?  Those lucky enough to inherit and others starting from scratch?  


It's fantasy.  

Pure poetry :thumbsup:

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Will it be the media's fault when Labour win the next GE?


Thought not.



7 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Here we go.  

Trotting out the media bias crap.


The Labour Party has more than double the membership of the conservative party and yet somehow keep losing elections.  That rare big success landslide was only when they became what most of their hardcore fanatics detested as being 'tory lite'.  


The labour party that you say is 'party of the people' keeps being rejected by the very same salt of the earth working class people.  The message should be perfectly clear what people really want and it ain't what the labour have frequently offered.  It certainly isn't that socialist utopia that you long for.


People see through their reverse snobbery, their we know what the ordinary people want arrogance, overinflating the public sector and cosying up to their union puppet masters.  


Maybe they need to start looking at their own problems instead of the excuse making.


Class, social climbing, nepotism, greed, looking after ones own, advancement, hereditary privilege, rich vs poor are basic traits in human society and have been for centuries. It is certainly not a British problem. It extends to every part of society on this planet.  Neither is it going to magically disappear with some change of government from any side of the house.  


You say nobody is prepared to "get rid of them" but get rid of them where.  One leaves. Another one comes along. Are you so deluded to think that there's not going to be some sort of privileged leader?


Do you seriously think there's going to be some magic solution to make the world equal.  There is never going to be the rich and the destitute?  There's never going to be exploitation?  Never going to be those who work hard and those who don't?  Those lucky enough to inherit and others starting from scratch?  


It's fantasy.  


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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Will it be the media's fault when Labour win the next GE?


Thought not.




Who's going to care ?

Everybody just want's to see the back of this set of incompetents,  though most will say it's the incompetent's fault.


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Quote ECCOnoob:  

The labour party that you say is 'party of the people' keeps being rejected by the very same salt of the earth working class people.  The message should be perfectly clear what people really want and it ain't what the labour have frequently offered.  It certainly isn't that socialist utopia that you long for.


Because when they get into government their expectations are never achieved,  a big let-down.

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7 minutes ago, cressida said:

Quote ECCOnoob:  

The labour party that you say is 'party of the people' keeps being rejected by the very same salt of the earth working class people.  The message should be perfectly clear what people really want and it ain't what the labour have frequently offered.  It certainly isn't that socialist utopia that you long for.


Because when they get into government their expectations are never achieved,  a big let-down.

What did they let you down about last time?

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