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Tax Cuts Or Services Cut - You Decide.

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19 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Well over history there has been a conservative prime minister and a conservative government in charge a damn sight longer than a Labour one.


They must be doing something right. 


Oh yes look at us now.  The vast majority of people doing exactly the same thing they would have been doing 13 years ago, 20 years ago,

30 years ago.  


Despite the cost of living increase, despite the decline in bricks and motor retail, despite the current military action taking place in several parts of the world (which I will add is being felt in countries all over the globe not just here)...... 


Last time I checked the lights are still on and water still flowing.  People are still going about their business. We still have an NHS which receives about 60 billion more per year than it did since Labour were last in office. We still have a welfare system. We still have a healthy number of people in employment with stats on par with the G7 average and higher than Germany and the US.  We still have a minimum wage which  increased more than 75% since Labour were last in office and just about to go up by an average of another 9% later this year.  We have a functioning society. The vast majority of us are not living in fear of our lives every time we step outside the front door. We still have public transport. We still have working infrastructure...


"Dismantled it" my backside.   You really are a constant doom-monger. 


Yes we have a discrepancy between rich and poor but we always have everywhere. Yes there are some people struggling. Yes Covid caused massive impact on our economy but the same is happening all over the planet regardless of what  political leadership it has.


Throughout history. There's been ups and downs. There's been interest rises. There's been good times with money to throw about on public services and trinkets for the population but then suddenly along comes a changing circumstance people suddenly thrown into poverty and government spending has to be culled to balance the books. It's a life cycle.


Your precious labour party isn't going to bring some miracle to suddenly change anything.  They will go through their cycle of spend spend spend and then eventually it will be for their replacement to pick up the pieces. 


Too many people take those 'services' for granted.  Too many people expect this state to provide them with a lifestyle instead of taking self responsibility.  Too many people holding the state to ransom with their unrealistic demands and their constant placard waving.  


But what-ev-er!  Blah blah tax the rich. Blah blah evil corporations.  Blah blah Thatcher. Blah blah neoliberalism.  

Stop talking sense will you!!!


They have to blame someone or something you know, gets em through the day.

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35 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Your precious labour party isn't going to bring some miracle to suddenly change anything.  They will go through their cycle of spend spend spend and then eventually it will be for their replacement to pick up the pieces. 

Have you not heard, they've now got a magic money tree again -  "windfall tax" and "taxing non-doms" that will pay for EVERYTHING!


And don't forget their green steel and green electricity, because environmentally friendly products are always cheaper, right? 😉

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34 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

And replace them with ?

Whoever you like  -  Can't possibly end up with any gang worse than this lot.


More revelations on the news today.    That the government KNEW there were major problems with Horizon computer system,  leading to accounting errors.

Whilst knowing this,    they agreed to stop the outside accounting company who were hired to find out WHY there were errors.

Whilst knowing this,    they still agreed to let the Post Office prosecute postmasters.

I would have said that was a conspiracy by the Post Office,  and the government,   to pervert the course of justice.

Have we ever had such a corrupt and lying government ?     Not in my knowledge going back to WW2.


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46 minutes ago, cressida said:

I'm more worried about what can be done after the election.  True that earlier governments did a lot for the common man,  but will recent leaders match up?

I agree they did at one point. Much of it being a joint effort and reaction to restore the country after war time.


However, I'm not convinced that the origins of things like the NHS, the welfare state and social care system was even remotely designed to deal with the sort of numbers, abuse and over subscription that it has today.  It was supposed to provide a minimum fail safe and support those who cannot work or function due to disability or illness.   It never designed to be a lifestyle choice for those who don't want and can't be bothered to fully contribute to the working world. Nor some blanket coverage for those who behave deliberately recklessly, do not look after their own health or engage in inappropriate behaviour causing self injury. Nor  picking up after people who choose not to make allowances and provisions for their own health and ageing.


The biggest problem with all of this now is it being so over protected and such a political football that the mere mention of any kind of cuts is instantly shouted down without any actual debate about legitimate reason for it and whether the system is overblown, mismanaged, inefficient, wasteful...


The court of public opinion is now so wound up in its tribal warfare. Red v Blue.  The party of Toffs v The party of socialists.  That's it. The actual discussion substance doesn't matter.

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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Whoever you like  -  Can't possibly end up with any gang worse than this lot.


More revelations on the news today.    That the government KNEW there were major problems with Horizon computer system,  leading to accounting errors.

Whilst knowing this,    they agreed to stop the outside accounting company who were hired to find out WHY there were errors.

Whilst knowing this,    they still agreed to let the Post Office prosecute postmasters.

I would have said that was a conspiracy by the Post Office,  and the government,   to pervert the course of justice.

Have we ever had such a corrupt and lying government ?     Not in my knowledge going back to WW2.


Which government?  


The government in charge during its design and implementation ?  The government in charge during the time the faults were first discovered?  The government in charge during the first wave of prosecutions?  The government in charge during the high court appeal process and overturning?  The government in charge during the initial compensation payments?  The government in charge during set up of the public enquiry?  Or the government currently in charge during the fallout from a television drama?  

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6 hours ago, cressida said:

Not giving carers what they are worth (Anna agrees with this)  

By April this year basic carers allowance will have increased 57% since Labour was last in office.  


It's a state benefit. It's not supposed to equate to a weekly salary. 

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2 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

By April this year basic carers allowance will have increased 57% since Labour was last in office.  


It's a state benefit. It's not supposed to equate to a weekly salary. 

Will you please run for Prime minister?

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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Which government?  


The government in charge during its design and implementation ?  The government in charge during the time the faults were first discovered?  The government in charge during the first wave of prosecutions?  The government in charge during the high court appeal process and overturning?  The government in charge during the initial compensation payments?  The government in charge during set up of the public enquiry?  Or the government currently in charge during the fallout from a television drama?  

Quite obviously,  it shouldn't need saying  -  EVERY GOVERNMENT who's been in charge since the very beginning of this disgraceful episode.

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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

By April this year basic carers allowance will have increased 57% since Labour was last in office.  


It's a state benefit. It's not supposed to equate to a weekly salary. 

I wonder how much people costs have increased since Labour was last in office ?

Energy bills, rents,  mortgages, food, transport etc.   

And how much have people lost since then.

You could book a quick appointment with a doctor or dentist when Labour was in. You could be dealt with normally by the NHS if you needed an operation etc.

The high streets were full of well stocked shelves in shops then and you could buy what you wanted, when you wanted.

Pubs, cafes and leisure facilities abounded then.


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