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On 28/01/2024 at 09:28, Palomar said:

Sorry to interrupt your frothing.


Barder who recklessly lost his legs showing off was a supporter of apartheid and of Ian Smith's white minority rule in Rhodesia. He was quoted as saying that dissenting Africans should climb back up their trees.


So an easy win for the purple haired chap.


Aw bless, you've been reading the incredibly credible Wikipedia, haven't you? 😆 

McKenzie is a historian, not an obiturist. Bader is respected for his well documented services to the world for his bravery and commitment, not for his personal thought process. His little fingernail has more credibility than the whole of the purple haired goons put together. I can see that this has triggered you, so I can only suggest you try a different coloured hair dye. Saying that, I hope me using the term "coloured" hasn't forced you to pop a temple vein xx

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16 hours ago, Cyclunt said:

Aw bless, you've been reading the incredibly credible Wikipedia, haven't you? 😆 

McKenzie is a historian, not an obiturist. Bader is respected for his well documented services to the world for his bravery and commitment, not for his personal thought process. His little fingernail has more credibility than the whole of the purple haired goons put together. I can see that this has triggered you, so I can only suggest you try a different coloured hair dye. Saying that, I hope me using the term "coloured" hasn't forced you to pop a temple vein xx

Gammontastic! Triggered much?


How dare McKenzie (who I’ve never heard of) have the audacity to tell the truth about Bader.

‘He was a show-off, the most pompous chap I’ve ever met,’ said one of Bader’s fellow pilots, ‘He treated the ground crew with withering superiority, and they detested him.


Bader’s treatment of his batman, Alex Ross, in Colditz was particularly mean. ‘I don’t think all the time I knew him he said “please” or “thank you”’ recalled Ross. ‘I soon understood why none of the other orderlies wanted to work for him.’ Ross was obliged to bring Bader his breakfast in bed and carry him on his back down two flights of stairs to the bathroom, and up the stairs again when Bader had finished his ablutions. When Ross was offered a place among a group of men to be exchanged with German prisoners in Britain, Bader made sure his man was made to stay in Colditz.


Even Telegraph journalist Robert Robinson returned from interviewing Bader astounded by his arrogance ‘He may be a hero,’ said Robinson, ‘but after a few minutes you want to shout, “Race you down the corridor.” 😆


You need a better hero, or give up on the stupid concept altogether.



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2 hours ago, Palomar said:

Gammontastic! Triggered much?


How dare McKenzie (who I’ve never heard of) have the audacity to tell the truth about Bader.

‘He was a show-off, the most pompous chap I’ve ever met,’ said one of Bader’s fellow pilots, ‘He treated the ground crew with withering superiority, and they detested him.


Bader’s treatment of his batman, Alex Ross, in Colditz was particularly mean. ‘I don’t think all the time I knew him he said “please” or “thank you”’ recalled Ross. ‘I soon understood why none of the other orderlies wanted to work for him.’ Ross was obliged to bring Bader his breakfast in bed and carry him on his back down two flights of stairs to the bathroom, and up the stairs again when Bader had finished his ablutions. When Ross was offered a place among a group of men to be exchanged with German prisoners in Britain, Bader made sure his man was made to stay in Colditz.


Even Telegraph journalist Robert Robinson returned from interviewing Bader astounded by his arrogance ‘He may be a hero,’ said Robinson, ‘but after a few minutes you want to shout, “Race you down the corridor.” 😆


You need a better hero, or give up on the stupid concept altogether.



All these journalists and writers who have written articles on Bader have added so much fabricated nonsense to this mans life, its actually comical that you are salivating trying to defend them!! 😆🤣😂 

The original autobiography was written by Paul Brickhill, and he himself was a fighter pilot during the war. He knew Bader inside out, and wrote a definitive and accurate balanced portrayal of the man, which was totally acceptable at that time in history. Subsequent writers have chosen to alter Brickhills version, and time has elapsed to allow it to be believed. Modern writers have chosen to show the treatment of Ross was "Bad", but what they don't say is that Bader needed him as his medical orderly, and he requested Ross didn't leave on the prisoner exchange. Ross followed his orders from his superior officer. Nothing strange or untoward about that in the RAF, or any of the other services really. His views were what was fashionable of the time, but just like every other occurance of history, theres always some 2024 goons who choose to be offended or outraged by what happened in the past, completely eradicating the notion that it was men like Bader who helped to achieve the freedom they enjoy today to be free to be offended about everything and everyone, because if Hitler had succeeded things would be very different.


So if you really think this is a stupid concept, please feel free to go and wash your purple pish-stained hair in some snowflake appeasing anti-historical whitewash xx

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