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1 hour ago, cressida said:

I'm impressed that there so many men on here who believe that lying and deceit is so wrong.   Worst for women is men who say they are single or getting a divorce to get a 

woman into bed.


I don't think people should use the word liar on here without proof,   'that's false' prevents escalation.

These days I say I am married to get out of having to get into bed with a woman!!!

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

I'm impressed that there so many men on here who believe that lying and deceit is so wrong.   Worst for women is men who say they are single or getting a divorce to get a 

woman into bed.


I don't think people should use the word liar on here without proof,   'that's false' prevents escalation.

Women lie too cressida. 

My life was made an absolute misery by my exs lies. Even now after 8 years apart she's still doing it. Tells mutual acquaintances and friends how 'abused' she was and how 'evil' I am. People stopped talking to me for years and I had no idea why. To say I was a tad irritated when I found out was an understatement. 

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

I'm impressed that there so many men on here who believe that lying and deceit is so wrong.   Worst for women is men who say they are single or getting a divorce to get a 

woman into bed.


I don't think people should use the word liar on here without proof,   'that's false' prevents escalation.

Sadly Cress I am not sure  a bloke being married, or even worse having kids, puts many women off hanky panky these days.....

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Women lie too cressida. 

My life was made an absolute misery by my exs lies. Even now after 8 years apart she's still doing it. Tells mutual acquaintances and friends how 'abused' she was and how 'evil' I am. People stopped talking to me for years and I had no idea why. To say I was a tad irritated when I found out was an understatement. 

I remember you saying that,  must have been the worst time in your life and put you off making the same mistake.  imo it's best to stay single and have your freedom then you're not answerable to anyone.  

1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

Sadly Cress I am not sure  a bloke being married, or even worse having kids, puts many women off hanky panky these days.....

Don't be tempted at all costs (it will cost you haha) some women will stop at nothing to hook a rich man,  I've come to the conclusion that rich men know what they're doing though.

Hanky panky,  how rude,

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22 minutes ago, cressida said:

I remember you saying that,  must have been the worst time in your life and put you off making the same mistake.  imo it's best to stay single and have your freedom then you're not answerable to anyone.  

It wasnt a good time and yes, it definitely makes me more wary of getting involved again however there will come a time when I'll need to put my feelings aside and find a family for my kids. When I'm gone they'll have nobody and they arent equipped to live independently. If I can find a partner who understands them and their needs as well as tolerate me then I'll consider that a success. 

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53 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

These days I say I am married to get out of having to get into bed with a woman!!!

You have a partner though,  if you're not keen on someone or your hearts not in  it then it's no use trying to keep it up imo.



If Jack's reading this he'll be having a good laugh.;)








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