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Holocaust Memorial Day .

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Tomorrow the 27 th of January,

International Commemoration in memory of victims of the holocaust.

This resulted in the genocide of one third of the Jewish people  six million  in all , along with other countless minorities 

Lets not forget as the World situation today gets more and more to look as though another World war could   Happen at any moment .

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The Holocaust.

Something that most of us have grown up with and been horrified that a civilised country could perpetrate such horrors.

Regrettably genocide has occurred in many countries since and continues to this day whilst the world looks on.

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The problem with us humans is we never learn. WW3 seems closer than at any time in my life yet no one appears to be all that keen in dialing down the crazy. Rich people are building bunkers, poor people will be left to face what's coming. Let's hope someone puts on the brakes before we get to a point of no return. 

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3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

The problem with us humans is we never learn. WW3 seems closer than at any time in my life yet no one appears to be all that keen in dialing down the crazy. Rich people are building bunkers, poor people will be left to face what's coming. Let's hope someone puts on the brakes before we get to a point of no return. 

Be reyt.

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2 hours ago, RJRB said:

The Holocaust.

Something that most of us have grown up with and been horrified that a civilised country could perpetrate such horrors.

Regrettably genocide has occurred in many countries since and continues to this day whilst the world looks on.

That's very true.

You would think that something as evil as genocide would only be able to happen once.

It seems that humanity is determined to carry on like this until it gets what it deserves.


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Some chilling photographs in today's Guardian of Jews being forced from their homes in Poland in November 1941 - they were moved by train a few days later and all shot dead. The orderliness of it all is very disturbing. I'm not sure about WW3, but Europe seems closer to returning to Nazism than at any time in the last 80 years - just recently the AfD in Germany had a secret meeting with neo-Nazis to plan the forced deportation of non-white Germans, while in Italy two weeks ago there was this


As we get further and further away from the events of the 1930s and '40s, it's essential that people educate themselves and others about the horrors of the holocaust - not only the death camps, but the years of systematic discrimination that led up to that - people being evicted from their homes for being Jewish, people being refused medical treatment  or losing their jobs for being Jewish, Jewish children having their friends turn on them after being exposed to Nazi propaganda. As well as all the socialists, trade unionists, LGBT and Roma people who suffered at the hands of the Nazis and fascists.

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