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Has Hamas/Israel Started A Very Serious Conflict?

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49 minutes ago, banjodeano said:

This might seem like a radical idea to some......

But why doesn't the US just stop giving them weapons and training to blow the innocents to bits?

the US are trying to pretend that they really care, whereas they really just dont give a monkeys

I'm sure they do care, as The US needs to keep its influence in one of the few friendly (to the US) states in the region.
They [many US politicians] may not be concerned about a few Muslims, but they do care about Israel.
The influential Heritage Foundation, even has a section on Israel specifically, though notably it's not been updated since 2022, so maybe they consider the Gaza problem as a minor blip in their long term objectives.

Do not open a consulate for Palestinian affairs in Jerusalem.

Establishing a consulate in Jerusalem would infringe on Israel’s sovereign rights and send a dangerous signal that the Biden Administration would support a divided Jerusalem.

Any consulate that is opened should be located in Ramallah, the city that hosts the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority.

No other country in the world has both a consulate general and a U.S. embassy in the same city.

Strengthen U.S.‐Israeli strategic cooperation.

The political instability that has plagued the Middle East in recent years underscores the fact that Israel is America’s most reliable, stable, and effective ally in the region.

Congress should support all efforts to enhance strategic cooperation with Israel, particularly in intelligence sharing, missile defense, cyber defense, and counter terrorism efforts.


Remember the presidential advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski.
I [John Pilger]  quoted to him his autobiography in which he admitted that his grand scheme for drawing the Soviets into Afghanistan had created “a few stirred up Muslims”.

“Do you have any regrets?” I asked. “Regrets! Regrets! What regrets?”


It seems little has changed in American foreign policy; personally I think Biden himself is against Israel's current actions, but his hands are tied by the rest  US politics generally.
I don't recall the exact issue now, but when ( the then president) Obama suggested some peace moves in the area, other US politicians openly told Netenyahu, don't worry, we won't let him do that.

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3 hours ago, banjodeano said:

This might seem like a radical idea to some......

But why doesn't the US just stop giving them weapons and training to blow the innocents to bits?

the US are trying to pretend that they really care, whereas they really just dont give a monkeys

That could be taken as a rhetorical question because it is not how the political machines work.

Plain sense goes out the window when it’s a question of winning votes and staying in power.

Every action is calculated in this way in so called democracies.

Dictatorships do not have the same problem.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

No, they don't. There's a difference between strong opinions (always welcome) and getting angry and throwing a tantrum (not so welcome). 


Thanks for the guidelines as you see them but perhaps best left to the Forum moderator.

There have been many angry responses on particular threads which polarise opinions.

Thats why politics and religion are best avoided with friends.

I prefer ongoing feisty discussions rather than some of the playground retorts that kill further sensible discussion.

I agree that unjustified personal slurs do not help any argument and that is why a certain contributor got a deserved ban.

This thread also evokes strong opinions .There may be posters who could be anti Semitic,but criticism of the actions of Israel in retaliation for the Hamas atrocity in no way defines anti Semitism in my opinion.

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3 minutes ago, RJRB said:


There have been many angry responses on particular threads which polarise opinions.

Thats why politics and religion are best avoided with friends.

I prefer ongoing feisty discussions rather than some of the playground retorts that kill further sensible discussion.

I agree that unjustified personal slurs do not help any argument and that is why a certain contributor got a deserved ban.

This thread also evokes strong opinions .There may be posters who could be anti Semitic,but criticism of the actions of Israel in retaliation for the Hamas atrocity in no way defines anti Semitism in my opinion.

I snipped the first bit as it was pointless.

As for the rest? 

A damn fine post 👍

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I was just watching the news (Al Jazeera) and it was covering the Israelis demonstrating against Netanyahu and an old Jewish man who was protesting said to the interviewer that he was protesting because this is the most right wing facist  govt Israel has had and the govt is doing to the Palestinian s what the Germans did to them and that Netanyahu has to go.

I think now maybe the Israeli public is beginning to realise that the situation is not a good one.

Also on the news the terrorist IDF have again fired on Palestinians waiting for aid in the same place as the other day….

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7 hours ago, mafya said:

I was just watching the news (Al Jazeera) and it was covering the Israelis demonstrating against Netanyahu and an old Jewish man who was protesting said to the interviewer that he was protesting because this is the most right wing facist  govt Israel has had and the govt is doing to the Palestinian s what the Germans did to them and that Netanyahu has to go.

I think now maybe the Israeli public is beginning to realise that the situation is not a good one.

Also on the news the terrorist IDF have again fired on Palestinians waiting for aid in the same place as the other day….

I feel sorry for the all the people of Israel who are against this Genocide of Palestinians and see their good name being besmirched daily,  by their own fanatical right wing leader.


I have spoken to German people who still have to suffer the guilt and shame of what happened in the 1940's and hate the one who led them at that time as much as we did.

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So the vile barbarous Israeli  animals have done it again...

murdering poor women and children while seeking aid again...and yet again the world will watch and do nothing while genocide is being committed...

and you people who defend these animals should hang your heads in shame..


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1 minute ago, banjodeano said:

So the vile barbarous Israeli  animals have done it again...

murdering poor women and children while seeking aid again...and yet again the world will watch and do nothing while genocide is being committed...

and you people who defend these animals should hang your heads in shame..


I have just seen it on the news!!

This is the 3rd time they have done it!

Anybody anywhere who still supports Israel after this needs to hang there heads in shame,

I can’t believe the so called leaders of democracy and upholders of human rights countries are still silent.

This isn’t self defence this is just bullying of an unarmed people…



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When this all started with the kidnaps, killing and rapes on Oct 7th last year I was so upset and angry at the twaaaats that did it to those innocent people ,    I have defended Israel ever since the first settlers arrived and started the Kibbutz system .


Now I am horrified  at the situation that has unfolded in Gaza ,    Israel the Country has now lost my support , 

I can no longer defend their policy , It is heart breaking to see the scenes on TV  , 

Ordinary Jewish people I know are now saying the same ,      I am devastated by the outcome and know that the situation is now beyond any chance of piece in the area .

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