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Morons On Roundabouts

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I've had my fill of them. Stupid, brain dead, can't drive a car and operate indicators at the same time idiots that seem to be everywhere these days. They need their licenses removing until they learn to INDICATE THE WAY THEY INTEND TO GO AND NOT SOME RANDOM AND COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DIRECTION THAT BARES NO RELATION TO WHERE YOU JUST INDICATED!!!




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17 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I've had my fill of them. Stupid, brain dead, can't drive a car and operate indicators at the same time idiots that seem to be everywhere these days. They need their licenses removing until they learn to INDICATE THE WAY THEY INTEND TO GO AND NOT SOME RANDOM AND COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DIRECTION THAT BARES NO RELATION TO WHERE YOU JUST INDICATED!!!




Rule number on re: indicators - never rely on someone going in the direction they're indicating. Wait until the oncoming driver has started to manouvre - same goes for junctions. Here in France only about 20% of cars appear to be fitted with indicators and entering a roundabout the rest will almost invariably signal right as they'll be turning right on to the roundabout and leave it on until the turn off no matter which exit they are taking.

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7 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I've had my fill of them. Stupid, brain dead, can't drive a car and operate indicators at the same time idiots that seem to be everywhere these days. They need their licenses removing until they learn to INDICATE THE WAY THEY INTEND TO GO AND NOT SOME RANDOM AND COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DIRECTION THAT BARES NO RELATION TO WHERE YOU JUST INDICATED!!!




I'm with you on this DADDY, in fact I have a little song about it (well the 1st line of one) 🎵 Don't Indicate, I'll Guess Where Yer Going 🎵.

I haven't written a 2nd line yet (well not a printable one) . (Any help from you songstress's out there would be appreciated) 8)

Just as bad. Why do some people STOP at a round about :huh:  It's clear, there ain't a car in sight, so  'Why the Hell are they stopping..

And while we're here, why do people indicate to come off a roundabout when they're going straight ahead, worse indicate as if they're turning right and go straight ahead :huh::rant::rant::help:.



Mind you if we had proper street lights we probably wouldn't need indicators 🧐


Keep safe out there 8)




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51 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I've had my fill of them. Stupid, brain dead, can't drive a car and operate indicators at the same time idiots that seem to be everywhere these days. They need their licenses removing until they learn to INDICATE THE WAY THEY INTEND TO GO AND NOT SOME RANDOM AND COMPLETELY DIFFERENT DIRECTION THAT BARES NO RELATION TO WHERE YOU JUST INDICATED!!!




You’re assuming that they have a full licence and have passed a driving test in the first place Daddy. I suspect a good proportion haven’t! Despite having driven for more years than I care to remember I’m convinced that driving standards have fallen significantly over time.

Everyone appears to be in such a hurry nowadays, there’s more aggression on the road and old fashioned courtesy has been pushed to the bottom of the pile.

Introduce periodical re-testing and let’s get some of these numpties off the road!



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10 minutes ago, Rockers rule said:

I'm with you on this DADDY, in fact I have a little song about it (well the 1st line of one) 🎵 Don't Indicate, I'll Guess Where Yer Going 🎵.


"Don't Indicate, I'll guess where yer going,

Left, right, straight on, there's no way of knowing

All I ask is some indication

And that you've taken your medication"

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I take the dog out early every morning in order to avoid the rush hour. As fellow early birds will know, it’s still ‘lights on’ time, however. Not a bit of it, folk in dark painted cars happily bobbing along totally lightless, no point expecting them to indicate as I’m certain that they don’t have a clue what all the knobs and  whistles on the dashboard are for, or perhaps they think that using them will find their usage onto their home energy bills, who knows? :huh:



Edited by crookesey
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8 hours ago, echo beach said:

You’re assuming that they have a full licence and have passed a driving test in the first place Daddy. I suspect a good proportion haven’t! Despite having driven for more years than I care to remember I’m convinced that driving standards have fallen significantly over time.

Everyone appears to be in such a hurry nowadays, there’s more aggression on the road and old fashioned courtesy has been pushed to the bottom of the pile.

Introduce periodical re-testing and let’s get some of these numpties off the road!



Well said echo. After 43 years of driving buses and coaches for a living (and still have a clean licence) I’ve couldn’t wait to get away from driving nearly 2 years ago. And I haven’t missed it for a single second.

Also I’ve noticed the modern design of wafer thin front indicators are very difficult to see from certain angles.

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32 minutes ago, YorkieontheTyne said:

Also I’ve noticed the modern design of wafer thin front indicators are very difficult to see from certain angles.

This does seem to be an issue with newer cars, they're designed for style rather than function or visibility.

Worst offenders are reversing lights!

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8 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

I'm with you on this DADDY, in fact I have a little song about it (well the 1st line of one) 🎵 Don't Indicate, I'll Guess Where Yer Going 🎵.

I haven't written a 2nd line yet (well not a printable one) . (Any help from you songstress's out there would be appreciated) 8)

Just as bad. Why do some people STOP at a round about :huh:  It's clear, there ain't a car in sight, so  'Why the Hell are they stopping..

And while we're here, why do people indicate to come off a roundabout when they're going straight ahead, worse indicate as if they're turning right and go straight ahead :huh::rant::rant::help:.



Mind you if we had proper street lights we probably wouldn't need indicators 🧐


Keep safe out there 8)




In answer to your penultimate sentence’s question Rockers I was taught in ‘62 to always indicate left just before the road where you intended to exit the roundabout and I still do. It’s to let other road users know where you’re going. After all, they may not have seen where you entered the roundabout and know that for you it’s straight on!

Having said that it was an era when you had to demonstrate hand signals, only one step up from having a gentleman walking in front holding a red flag!😃

I was also told to keep in the left hand lane if you’re going straight ahead at a roundabout but with today’s road markings, which are often difficult if not impossible to see in heavy traffic and at night, anything is possible. Lord help you if you’re not familiar with the area you’re driving in.



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