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If You Bump Into Wilder In The Street.

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5 minutes ago, Ronson said:

and another. When will people realise the problem is in society and not any particular football club.

Oh for goodness sake. No-one is saying it’s any particular club! It’s at most if not all clubs. We all know this.


Yours is the one that’s in the spotlight for it at the moment, that’s all. 

Just try and accept it when something bad happens at your club, instead of trying to constantly deflect.

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3 minutes ago, PapaLazarou said:

You’ve dragged up an article from 2020 just to try and score a point against Sheffield United whilst your own club is currently (note the word “currently”, not over 3 years ago) involved in proven racist supporter issues.


Why don’t YOU suck it up, grow up, and admit it when an argument doesn’t go your way.


You're such a petulant child. 


(Oh, and just to be clear, Vrsaljko did NOT say that your club is racist. Read before reacting).

Next up will be his other ego agreeing with himself.

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On 01/02/2024 at 21:42, KP Nuts 2 said:

If you see me walking down the street, 
And I start to cry, each time we meet, 
Walk on by, 
Walk on by,

Please don't be going barmy,

If you catch me eating a sarnie,

Walk on by, 
Walk on by.


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