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Another Hate Protest.

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20 minutes ago, Axe said:

Boris Johnson had the right idea when he wanted to use water cannons against those creating public disorder.  Everyone knows the discrimination the Jewish community have suffered in history. The discrimination and the hatred towards the Jewish community is still happening in 2024.  Any decent respectable person should support Israel taking whatever action they believe is necessary to protect their own people. Those anti Israel protestors should be rounded up and given the birch.  Enough said.

Most of us are not the slightest bit interested in what a disgraced lying PM wanted.   You just increase your own ridiculousness by constantly referring to that lying has-been.

If the Israeli government insist on  making  the Jewish community unpopular,  maybe you should take it up with them.

Their is not a law in  ANY COUNTRY  on this planet which can force people to  LIKE  someone  (that has to be earned )  so maybe you should calm down a little and accept life as it it.


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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

So it does and perfectly correct.     I agree wholeheartedly with that statement. 


However, you give yourself away by describing it as  ANOTHER  HATE  PROTEST.

It is actually a Palestine Solidarity protest march by people showing support for the innocents in Palestine who want the killing to stop and to protest about Barclays.

Only in your vocabulary would this be described as   H A T E.   


There is that, but also the first line of the post, partly clarifying the intent of the title Another Hate Protest "Against the Jewish people  in Israel"

I don't doubt that there will be the odd idiot or extremist there, such is the nature of public protest, regardless the organiser's advertised intention.

To lay claim that the whole of the protest is "Against the Jewish people  in Israel" seems, thus far anyway, completely unevidenced.
Are you familiar with Hitchen's Razor? Proposed by Christopher, rather than Peter
" an epistemological razor that serves as a general rule for rejecting certain knowledge claims.

It states "what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence"

As rightly stated, "All weapon suppliers are the same not just the ones who these people decide are the ones that need protesting against
I'd go along with that, particularly any country, or arms dealer(s),  supplying weapons, where the recipient country plausibly has a case to answer against genocide allegations in The ICJ.
Some demonstrators genuinely believe that the US & UK both may be supplying such armaments, though that will be for a court to decide later.

Lots of countries and dealers have been accused in the past, here's one example of many worldwide; I guess if there's money to be made out of the suffering of others............
This was a defence offered in one case The Israeli Guns That Took Part in the Rwanda Genocide
Attorney Mack ended his statement with a quote from an Israeli arms dealer who appeared in a report on the atrocities by Sara Leibowitz-Dar.
The arms dealer expressed pride in his actions after a tour of the valley of death because his arms helped the victims die quickly — a bullet to the head instead of hacks by a machete. “I’m actually a doctor,” he said

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

The protest should target all who supply weapons and not just pick on the ones that supply Israel . Another one who can't read a post properly without jumping in like deranged toss pot .

I can read to a high standard and understand what I’m reading.

Israel is the one committing genocide and this protest is a way of trying to exert pressure so it stops.

Im sorry to say but it’s you who is coming across as a bit of a toss pot because you are constantly posting seemingly in support of the ones committing Genocide by deriding those who are protesting against the genocide and those that are complicit in the genocide.

Educated lawyers all over the world are saying this is textbook Genocide and history will say that the victims of genocide went on and committed Genocide themselves.

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Caught a little, (I mean little), protest yesterday of about a dozen cyclists going up & down London Rd a couple of times with their little Palestinian flags flapping about on the backs of their cycles, shouting "Free Palestine!".    Shouting that on London Rd is literally preaching to the converted, who couldn't even be bothered to come out of their takeaways, etc, to acknowledge them. 


I must say slowing a few cars & the odd bus is really sticking it to Netanyahu. 


What was obvious was all the cyclists were all white.  Not a Middle Eastern hue to any of them.  

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4 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Caught a little, (I mean little), protest yesterday of about a dozen cyclists going up & down London Rd a couple of times with their little Palestinian flags flapping about on the backs of their cycles, shouting "Free Palestine!".    Shouting that on London Rd is literally preaching to the converted, who couldn't even be bothered to come out of their takeaways, etc, to acknowledge them. 


I must say slowing a few cars & the odd bus is really sticking it to Netanyahu. 


What was obvious was all the cyclists were all white.  Not a Middle Eastern hue to any of them.  

Good for them.

Probably just trying to wind you up  -  I wouldn't worry about it.

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9 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Ok.  Mr Dimwit (Your view of yourself from the Climate Change thread) 

What a delightfully original view of the protest.   Thinking that up must have hurt you poor simpleton..

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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

What a delightfully original view of the protest.   Thinking that up must have hurt you poor simpleton..

Damn!  Forgot to add; Mr Dimwit (Your view of yourself from the Climate Change thread). 

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Damn!  Forgot to add; Mr Dimwit (Your view of yourself from the Climate Change thread). 

Not as dim as Baron Von Birdbrain who cannot think of anything more original.  Please carry on demonstrating your lack of mental activity.


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