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Party Of Islam.

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Do some folk wrap their religion around them like a warm blanket? I’ve never found the need to prove who and what I am, churches are things of architectural and historical interest to me, I never feel the urge to fall to my knees on the odd occasion that I visit one. I don’t know any Muslims, however I’ve known, worked with and socialised with many Jews over the years, they have the habit of attempting to be the best in everything that they do, even when they’re not very good at it. I reckon that the Synagogue is somewhere where they can compare they’re endeavours with others and see where they sit on the pecking order.

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Jesus was Jewish and he is considered a good man by others of different religious persuasions - it does seem to be that Jewish people have excelled in business,  perhaps 

more time and effort have been made.  Also there was a time when even mentioning money was considered 'bad form' so it perhaps was not seen as a priority, just to be comfortable was enough.

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41 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Hopefully, they won't succeed - we left the Middle ages behind many years ago.

It wouldn't surprise me if it does, although not for at least 20-30 years.


Most folk in the UK don't really care about religion or if they do they are not fanatical, unlike most Muslims.


The younger generation in the West is too busy on Tiktok and pumping crap into their lips and boobs to care about religion and before they realise what's happening Sharia law will have by stealth gained control in small towns in the North and Lancashire and it will become unstoppable.


I am glad I will not be around.

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6 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

It wouldn't surprise me if it does, although not for at least 20-30 years.


Most folk in the UK don't really care about religion or if they do they are not fanatical, unlike most Muslims.


The younger generation in the West is too busy on Tiktok and pumping crap into their lips and boobs to care about religion and before they realise what's happening Sharia law will have by stealth gained control in small towns in the North and Lancashire and it will become unstoppable.


I am glad I will not be around.

I thought you were more sensible.

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'Party of Islam' has bid to become new UK political party rejected (yahoo.com)


This is what is known as foreshadowing i.e. a hint of things to come. Muslims began trying to invade the western world back in the middle ages without success but now they've hit on a new ruse, which is to come over in huge numbers as immigrants, legally and illegally then outbreed the native populations which is what they're doing, so every year they represent a higher % of the host countries. It's only a matter of time before they are the majority, then this and other western countries will become Islamic states because you can't beat superior numbers. Luckily for them, there's a huge network of useful idiots aiding and abetting them such as the RNLI, the Border Force, human fights lawyers, judges, charities, priests, celebrities and naive Brits who believe their tales of woe and wave their placards saying how welcome they are.


Most have no intention of integrating because they've been indoctrinated from birth into following an intolerant religion whose values are totally incompatible with ours as this attempt to start a Party of Islam indicates. The whole raison d'être of Islam is world domination so when they arrive, they set out to impose their own medieval, intolerant beliefs by spreading a climate of fear through mob rule, threatening and killing politicians and bringing cultural practices like the Islamic dress code for women, forced marriages, honour killings, terrorism and building mosques and halal slaughter houses. Allowing them to come into western countries in such huge numbers has been a disastrous mistake but our politicians are too frightened of them to act. I dread to think what the future holds for this country in the years ahead.

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6 minutes ago, despritdan said:

'Party of Islam' has bid to become new UK political party rejected (yahoo.com)


This is what is known as foreshadowing i.e. a hint of things to come. Muslims began trying to invade the western world back in the middle ages without success but now they've hit on a new ruse, which is to come over in huge numbers as immigrants, legally and illegally then outbreed the native populations which is what they're doing, so every year they represent a higher % of the host countries. It's only a matter of time before they are the majority, then this and other western countries will become Islamic states because you can't beat superior numbers. Luckily for them, there's a huge network of useful idiots aiding and abetting them such as the RNLI, the Border Force, human fights lawyers, judges, charities, priests, celebrities and naive Brits who believe their tales of woe and wave their placards saying how welcome they are.


Most have no intention of integrating because they've been indoctrinated from birth into following an intolerant religion whose values are totally incompatible with ours as this attempt to start a Party of Islam indicates. The whole raison d'être of Islam is world domination so when they arrive, they set out to impose their own medieval, intolerant beliefs by spreading a climate of fear through mob rule, threatening and killing politicians and bringing cultural practices like the Islamic dress code for women, forced marriages, honour killings, terrorism and building mosques and halal slaughter houses. Allowing them to come into western countries in such huge numbers has been a disastrous mistake but our politicians are too frightened of them to act. I dread to think what the future holds for this country in the years ahead.

This will be met with much condemnation but much of it is true.


Britain is ripe for a takeover as it's becoming full of wet wipes who will just have their bellies tickled and refuse to stand it's ground incase it offends someone.

Edited by Al Bundy
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