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25 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

That’s what I was getting at . 



36 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Sorry if I’m ignorant but aren’t there different sects of Muslims , as there are different sects of Christians ?


32 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:



From Google 


The purpose of this chapter is to understand how seven different sects in Islam, namely Sunni, Shia, Whabbi, Salafi, Berelvi, Sufi and Deobandi (Seven Sects) have different perspectives on creativity in Islam.


30 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Christianity is supposedly based on the Bible - yet the same texts get interpreted in different ways by different groups eg CofE, Roman Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses etc etc.


Is the text of the Quran open to interpretation by  sects eg Sunni, Sufi, Shia?

There is no compulsion means you can’t force anyone to practice Islam, I don’t think any of the different sect in Islam practice forcing someone to change their religion to Islam. 

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1 minute ago, mafya said:





There is no compulsion means you can’t force anyone to practice Islam, I don’t think any of the different sect in Islam practice forcing someone to change their religion to Islam. 

Sorry ???

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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yes but some sects interpret the Quran differently. 

Yes I agree they take what’s written in the Quran out of context ie the “Kill all the non believers” bit which is actually referring to a time when non Muslims were killing the Muslims  when the religion of Islam was first revealed.

The no compulsion in Islam cannot really be used an any other context.

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11 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Yes but some sects interpret the Quran differently. 

Yes.  See post 110.


Yes & just like the likes of Western Christianity clergy deciding that certain scripture no longer fits with the 21st century.  


All the World's main religions have the 'Word of God' but men decide how it's inturpreted & that's what always gets me.  These are supposedly men of (their God) me with supposedly God's word written down thousands of years ago but they get to inturpret those words to how they see fit or leave out chunks of scripture. 


Who are they to reinturpret the 'Word of God'? 












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1 minute ago, Baron99 said:

Yes.  See post 110.


Yes & just like the likes of Western Christianity clergy deciding that certain scripture no longer fits with the 21st century.  


All the World's main religions have the 'Word of God' but men decide how it's inturpreted & that's what always gets me.  These are supposedly men of (their God) me with supposedly God's word written down thousands of years ago but they get to inturpret those words to how they see fit or leave out chunks of scripture. 


Who are they to reinturpret the 'Word of God'? 


Absolutely spot on and the point (in my very long-winded way) I was eventually 🤣 getting to.

It's people, always men who interpret the word of God.

That's why religion has things such as massive wealth, political influence, female genital mutilation, circumcision of young boys,  thighing, forced marriage, under age marriage etc etc etc 

'God' if there is such a thing can stay but religion has to go. 

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6 hours ago, hackey lad said:

Sorry if I’m ignorant but aren’t there different sects of Muslims , as there are different sects of Christians ?

I don’t claim to know much about Islam but even I am aware there are different sects and that there is a divide between them.  I’ve found this link about it https://www.history.com/news/sunni-shia-divide-islam-muslim#


‘Despite the long-running nature of the Sunni-Shia divide, the fact that the two sects coexisted in relative peace for many centuries suggests their struggles may have less to do with religion than with wealth and power. 

“Neither of them are representative of the vast majority of Sunni Muslims or the vast majority of Shia Muslims around the world,” says Hazleton of the fundamentalist regimes governing both Saudi Arabia and Iran. 

“When society breaks down, you fall back on old forms of identity, and Shia and Sunni are 1,400-year-old forms of identity.” ‘

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9 hours ago, mafya said:

We allow Christenings of young children in the country that promotes freedom of speech and choice known as Great Britain don’t we? 
Our King  Charles is the head of the Church of England isn’t he?

Yes its a crime against kids , as is any religion that forces their belief on children , They should ashamed . King Charles is full of ****tte , but hope he makes a recovery from his cancer as beyond all the daft hand shaking and pretend interest he may be just a bloke trying to please .

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11 hours ago, mafya said:

We allow Christenings of young children in the country that promotes freedom of speech and choice known as Great Britain don’t we? 
Our King  Charles is the head of the Church of England isn’t he?

I am not a fan of Christenings either.  In my experience though many (though not all of course)  that Christen their children nowadays in this country are not deeply religious and wouldn’t expect their children to attend church every week or impose strict religious practices on them.  

To be honest I don’t know if King Charles is the head of the Church of England but I’ll take your word for it.  Assuming that it’s correct it sounds  like a historical figurehead role.

As I said before, people should be free to believe whatever they wish in a free country, but the price for that is accepting that others may have different beliefs than your own and no one should impose their beliefs on others.

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