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Found A Petition To Change This Situation

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4 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

Who's fault is that then?   Is it perhaps the dumb 'public' who don't care enough about policies or the candidates or actually can bothered to properly read up on what's going on beyond soundbite headlines or are stuck in some tribal mentality of red vs. blue regardless of what the individual MP candidate could actually offer their constituency.  


We only have ourselves to blame for treating the election like a glorified popularity contest.


Said before and will keep saying again.  All these demands to give the public more of a voice are completely irrelevant until the public can be prepared to get off their backside and actually engage.  There are numerous ways to the public can be more involved and actually have their say and actually make a difference but most can't be bothered.   We can't even get a full turnout for the election itself once every 5 years. 


As for dumbing down vastly complicated  governmental decisions to a click of an online public poll that certainly isn't going to magically change the situation either. In fact, as people have tried to central be pointed out, it will be catastrophic.


The first step to real transformation is getting the house more balanced and away from two party system. That's down to us the voting public.  That's down to us actually understanding how elections work, what we are actually voting for and picking a candidate who we feel best  represents us and our constituency not blindly following what rosette they wear.

That is something that both Anna and myself have said,  multiple times,  on this very forum.

If you actually read peoples posts properly,  you wouldn't labour under the strange delusion that only you has an understanding of how our politics works.

If you wish to accept the blame for what politicians do,  then feel free but don't  fool yourself that you alone,  either think,  or speak,  for everyone.


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53 minutes ago, Anna B said:

That old chestnut...

Independent candidates have almost no chance of being elected unless they are a well known face or have garnered  publicity on MSM in some way. To run a serious campaign costs serious money. 

Other potential candidates have to represent the party.  To do that they have to tow the party line in order to get past the selection committee who will chose more of the same, not a maverick, so we just get more of the same. 

That old chestnut..... 

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3 hours ago, Resident said:

That old chestnut..... 

It's an old chestnut which you cannot explain apparently.

Happens frequently when people disagree but can't think of an argument to support what they think.


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7 hours ago, Grumpycatweasel said:

Paper ballots / voting is plagued with inconsistencies such as Time consuming,Human Errors & accessibility for people are just a few issues that electronic voting can solve 


The trouble with online stuff is that you can’t always trust people to be who they say that they are. It’s far too easy for people to assume multiple identities.


If you get my meaning….

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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It's an old chestnut which you cannot explain apparently.

Happens frequently when people disagree but can't think of an argument to support what they think.


Obviously some people don't understand sarcasm....

Anyway, just quickly, as I'm short on time. 

Never said it was easy, if it were we'd all try it. However it is possible. There are currently 19 elected independent MPs to prove this so the "old chestnut" is just that. 

Politics required determination and hardwork. Those that claim it's impossible just don't want to put in the effort and that's the kind of politician we don't want. 

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10 hours ago, Prettytom said:

The trouble with online stuff is that you can’t always trust people to be who they say that they are. It’s far too easy for people to assume multiple identities.


If you get my meaning….

Banks manae to  keep thingst secure. If they can do it the Government should be able to  manage it...

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4 hours ago, Resident said:

Obviously some people don't understand sarcasm....

Anyway, just quickly, as I'm short on time. 

Never said it was easy, if it were we'd all try it. However it is possible. There are currently 19 elected independent MPs to prove this so the "old chestnut" is just that. 

Politics required determination and hardwork. Those that claim it's impossible just don't want to put in the effort and that's the kind of politician we don't want. 

The fact that so many people are unhappy with Labour and so many are unhappy with the Tories,   and yet,     there are only19  independent MP's,  shows how hard it is to get elected without party backing.


No one said it was impossible but simply that it was very hard,  time consuming and financially difficult for many.

I also disagree that we would  ALL  try it if it were easy but you possibly might  -  apparently nothing to stop you if you wish.


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2 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Agreed - but was Horizon installed when the PO was under govt. control or later? - genuine question

The post office still is under government control.  


It was the letter delivery side at Royal Mail that was sold off.

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