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Do You Vote?

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Locally I vote Lib/Dem they get things done,   for the G.E.  I shall see what they have on offer nearer the time - circumstances can change,  promises made and lack of money is the main reason (or excuse) for them not to be kept.

The International Law forcing us to accept unlimited  immigration needs to be challenged,  it is affecting Europe's economy and our lifestyles.  Impracticable.

Edited by cressida
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4 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Given the reported news today of Alexis Navalny's death,. it's worth reminding ourselves just how lucky we are to have the vote, and many of the benefits of living in a society like ours.


In the main although some areas can be toxic.

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

I think voting should be compulsory as it is in countries like Australia, with the caveat that 'none of the above' is included as an option for the disenchanted.

I don’t care for making it compulsory, wouldn’t that make it a law? Too many laws already, who’s going to uphold it? Will the police have to drag them from their homes for not putting a cross on a piece of paper? :gag:

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37 minutes ago, crookesey said:

I don’t care for making it compulsory, wouldn’t that make it a law? Too many laws already, who’s going to uphold it? Will the police have to drag them from their homes for not putting a cross on a piece of paper? :gag:

I agree.


But I would like to see voting made more easy.  Maybe hold elections over a weekend and trial online voting.

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IMO we need a new voting system altogether. It's ridiculous that a party can take power with a mere third of the votes, meaning two thirds of the population don't want them. Voting for anything but the main parties is a waste of a vote, anything but the main parties will never win  an election. 


Our two party system is designed to be confrontational.

I would rather see a system that encourages cooperation and the best brains working toether to solve our many problems, but I doubt it will ever happen in this country, based as it is on our aristocracy being superior beings with a sense of entitlement, and therefore having an automatic right to rule over us. They continue to hold onto it like glue and will never surrender it willingly.

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7 hours ago, MyFriendStan said:

Watching the BBC news earlier it showed the results of the 2 by elections held yesterday the turn outs were 37% and 38% it got me thinking how many people actually use their votes when  elections come round each to their own but surely people have a chance to change things or are they happy with their lot, When i reached voting age my dad said you have the vote now go out and use it which i always have.

That is just 37/38% of those registered to vote, the figure will be much lower if you counted all elidgable voters.

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2 hours ago, Prettytom said:

I agree.


But I would like to see voting made more easy.  Maybe hold elections over a weekend and trial online voting.

The Conservatives made it harder to vote, intentionally. Voter ID made things worse.

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