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Noisy Neighbours

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Family of four here with two toddlers. We have suffered from noise nuisance for 4 years caused by our neighbours. They are constantly playing loud music and we honestly have had enough. It has been depleting having to cope with this. It is causing us severe anxiety and stress. We spoke to our neighbours so many times and the council have on so many occasions. They would stop for a a week or two then carry on with the loud music. The council keep asking us to fill in the logs which we have done for the past 4 years but nothing is moving forward. Their excuse was COVID was limiting them from taking it further. Now it's because staff keep closing my case for some reason which is something I've told them on numerous occasions not to do so but they keep doing it. The council keep saying they have to gather evidence which is why they need the logs even though I have a record of all the logs that date back to 2019. What more do they want? What more evidence do they need than our neighbours themselves admitting to playing loud music to three different council officers?!


I honestly don't know where to go from here. Any advice would be hugely appreciated.


Thank you

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9 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

Skip over the council and take the issue to your local MP

Yes, depending on your MP I would definitely raise the issue with them.


You may also wish to contact your local elected councillors to try to get them to take up the case for you too.


A question at a full council meeting might be appropriate too — but make sure you word it right beforehand and keep it objective.

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We had the same problem for over twenty years, we filled in diaries only to be told after three years we should be using official diaries, three years wasted there.  The nuisance tenant above us flooded our bedroom over twelve times twice on the same evening, no compensation or help from the council. Sheffield had constant rows with a progression of boyfriends, she was a drug user, she stopped up all night she also kept her toddler up with her, we had a recorder installed and it did record her washing machine going after three A.M, when the council listened to the recording we were amazed the council official said " it sounds like a car going past " 

Sheffield was arrested for threatening a woman with a twelve inch kitchen knife, result she was locked up but put on probation. I was quite obvious that the council were not going to do anything about her. In 2021 other council actions with other tenants gave us the push to leave our maisonette after 54 years. The council will not help anybody but themselves.

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1 minute ago, vmam said:

We had the same problem for over twenty years, we filled in diaries only to be told after three years we should be using official diaries, three years wasted there.  The nuisance tenant above us flooded our bedroom over twelve times twice on the same evening, no compensation or help from the council. Sheffield had constant rows with a progression of boyfriends, she was a drug user, she stopped up all night she also kept her toddler up with her, we had a recorder installed and it did record her washing machine going after three A.M, when the council listened to the recording we were amazed the council official said " it sounds like a car going past " 

Sheffield was arrested for threatening a woman with a twelve inch kitchen knife, result she was locked up but put on probation. I was quite obvious that the council were not going to do anything about her. In 2021 other council actions with other tenants gave us the push to leave our maisonette after 54 years. The council will not help anybody but themselves.

That’s a really sad story hope you’re happy now vmam. 

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6 minutes ago, *Wallace* said:

That’s a really sad story hope you’re happy now vmam. 

We both loved our maisonette and we loved Gleadless Valley until the council ruined it. We now live in a two bed bungalow ten miles away, brilliant neighbours, no out of control children and teenagers, no out of control dogs at the side of what we reluctantly left it's like heaven, I forgot to mention our nuisance neighbour used to pour buckets of urine off her veranda and down on to ours,  you can imagine the smell of stale urine, reported it to council, two women came out one went to try to speak to the neighbour and the other stepped on to our veranda, the snell was still strong then the official uttered these words " I can't smell anything as I have a cold" they went, we never had any feed back , we asked for our veranda to be steamed cleaned, no response after three requests, so we cleaned it ourselves.

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Every other week there is a letter or pamphlet appears through the letter box stating the Council doesn't tolerate unsociable behaviour,  what bunch of lazy liars, a neighbour has been reported loads of times for,  you name he has done it and three years on its still happening, so they really DO tolerate unsociable behaviour, liars.  :rant:

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4 hours ago, vmam said:

We had the same problem for over twenty years, we filled in diaries only to be told after three years we should be using official diaries, three years wasted there.  The nuisance tenant above us flooded our bedroom over twelve times twice on the same evening, no compensation or help from the council. Sheffield had constant rows with a progression of boyfriends, she was a drug user, she stopped up all night she also kept her toddler up with her, we had a recorder installed and it did record her washing machine going after three A.M, when the council listened to the recording we were amazed the council official said " it sounds like a car going past " 

Sheffield was arrested for threatening a woman with a twelve inch kitchen knife, result she was locked up but put on probation. I was quite obvious that the council were not going to do anything about her. In 2021 other council actions with other tenants gave us the push to leave our maisonette after 54 years. The council will not help anybody but themselves.

My bold. 


Old work colleague of mine had a similar problem.  Kept diaries on a troublesome neighbour, handed them over to SCC.  When someone at the Housing Dept finally got around to dealing with the problem, guess what? 


The diaries couldn't be found. 

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Just putting another side to the thread.


Our next door neighbours are basically ‘good neighbours’, well they should be as they never stop reminding everyone and sundry of it. Whatever they do is fine as they are ‘good neighbours’, what others do has to pass muster with them. We had a garage with full planning permission erected and they objected because it obscured their view across our rear garden, they ripped the gutters off it and covered the roof with rubbish, I finally lost my rag and threatened the guy with a good hiding if they didn’t stop their game, he laughed and said what he was going to do to me, I camped outside their drive, he never attempted anything. This was circa 35 years ago and until recently they never directly spoke to us, they spoke loudly to each other about us but never to us.


The other week the guy had a bad fall in their garden, I acted automatically and helped him back to his feet, he was shaken but not badly hurt, both of them have never stopped thanking me and wanting to be best friends, I have simply blanked the pair of them, what a bloody farce. :loopy:

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