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Do You Use The Moor Market For All Your Food Shopping Or Only For Bits?

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the market is not working yet scc are allowing another market to open  not far away,although some may say different ,why did scc not take these traders or offer these traders a chance ? this new venue opp SUFC will also open 7 days a week so we may even lose some to them,you go to fleetwood market full  indoors and outside very busy,what a mess,plus losing the market outside no idea this lot on how to run a market

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

IMO the Moor Market is in the wrong place, right down at the bottom of the Moor. It always seems dark and gloomy to me, and devoid of any building merits.. It would be better housed in the more central, old John Lewis building.

What are you talking about? You are making it sound like it's languishing at the back of the MSC building.


The Moor Market is right on the precinct opposite the only large department store we have in the city centre, right next to a car park and with a completely separate entrance  straight to the bus stops. How much more accessible do you want it to be?


Shopping is now being condensed on or around the Moor. Its been heading that way for many years. It's quite obvious that the best place for the market is going to be on the main shopping street.  The John Lewis building is five stories.  Not a great layout for a market style operation. 

I can't imagine those traders languishing on the third floor would be particularly happy.  Also, given the current complaints about SCC rent increases I can't see the traders willingly coughing up to pay the obvious premium rates that will be required to operate from there. Let alone the vast amount of costs it would take take to convert the building.


As for dark and gloomy I really do have a different vision to you. For one thing. The Moor Market has got massive glass panels around it. In my opinion it certainly has a lot more natural light coming in the majority of areas compared to the dump that was Castle Market.



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2 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Not really sure how I could break it down any further than that.

You could have said that the old John Lewis building is riddled with asbestos

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10 hours ago, diksey said:

I go in for certain herbs and spices, also go to Turners bread stall and Wateralls for their sausage and pork pie, at least I know it's freshly made and not been sat on a supermarket shelf for a week.

Turners bread and flatjacks 😍 

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10 hours ago, cuttsie said:

The prices in the Market are rising , noticed in the butchers last Friday ,  

The Management are expecting the traders to pay the loan that was taken out to build the place , 

It can not work as lots of stalls are empty of traders ,

So the rents will rise , and we the council tax payers will also have to suffer due to the bad  planning of how to pay for the building costs .

Your Friday jaunt a regular thing Cuttsie?

Must have passed each other again.

Any way I shouldn't be talking to you.

Got slapped 3 times on Friday asking people sat on the cold stone seats outside, if they were 'Cuties' :blush:.


10 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Only really go to the market to shop at Dearne Farm Foods stall.  I like their pies & they also have a great selection of cheeses.  Far more selection than you can get from over the other side of The Moor from Sainsbury's. 

Their Rabbit pies look good but make my own. I might treat myself one day.

The Honeycomb Tripe I bought last week was very nice with boiled potatoes, onions and a white sauce 😋


Keep safe, eat well 8)

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4 hours ago, Anna B said:

IMO the Moor Market is in the wrong place, right down at the bottom of the Moor. It always seems dark and gloomy to me, and devoid of any building merits.. It would be better housed in the more central, old John Lewis building

 The old Castle Market building was in a right mess I know people say it should have done up but the truth was it was cheaper to build a new building. The Moor has now been made into a main shopping area if the market had remained in Haymarket it would have lost trade a lot of shops down there are empty like Wilkos yes it could be said that have been different if the market had stayed at that spot but shops have closed though lack of trade or in Wilkos case bankruptcy so that viewpoint does not stand up. The Moor building is light and airy and meets modern needs the Castle Market building would have cost millions more to repair and was of little architectural merit.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

IMO the Moor Market is in the wrong place, right down at the bottom of the Moor. It always seems dark and gloomy to me, and devoid of any building merits.. It would be better housed in the more central, old John Lewis building.

The trouble with a move such as to the old JL site was that JL was still trading when the new Moor Market was built & started trading.  If they decided to relocate now to where JL was, after all the asbestos was dealt with & the building had a total re-fit or you built a brand new market at great expense, Sheffield city centre would then be left with an enormous empty shell of a building at the bottom of The Moor. 


But hey, you never know?  In a couple of decades, SCC will probably agree with you that the main market is in the wrong place & you might get your wish? 

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