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Mobile Phones In Schools

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11 minutes ago, Axe said:

Poor reply.  Bullying is a modern day phenomenon which is hugely exaggerated.  

Perhaps educate yourself;


Prevalence of bullying

There are a wealth of statistics in relation to bullying both in the UK and overseas and you will regularly see bullying reported in the media.  

Research from the Department for Education looking at pupils in year 10 found that:

1 in 4 young people with SEN (special educational needs) experienced violence (actual or threatened)
Actual violence was more likely to always take place at school compared to other forms of bullying


This page is about school bullying,

but there is more stuff in the menu on the right; particularly about cyber bullying, which is very relevant to this thread



Why is there an increase in Child Suicide and Self Harm?

Ofsted, The Schools Minister and Education Department say ‘It is the responsibility of each individual Head of School to decide how to manage bullying in their school. It is up to the schools to decide how to govern and manage bullying.
The National Bullying Helpline has this in writing. Allowing a Head of School to unilaterally manage the process is a recipe for disaster, particularly where a school is in self-preservation mode and wants to contain a problem in order to protect their reputation.


Note that only state schools must have policies in place

Schools and the law
By law, all state (not private) schools must have a behaviour policy in place that includes measures to prevent all forms of bullying among pupils.

This policy is decided by the school. All teachers, pupils and parents must be told what it is.


List of suicides attributed to bullying

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PHSE Coursework. Assignment One.


Spot the troll. 

A selection of potential trolls are paraded before you “discussing” a controversial issue. 

Your task is to identify the troll and distinguish them from those genuinely trying to contribute. 


You have 30 minutes. Please show your working.


No marks will be awarded for identifying Axe, as he is just too obvious.

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Oh dear it looks like the pitchforks are out to get Axe for telling the truth that bullying is hugely exaggerated.  Get back on topic and discuss whether mobile phones should or not be allowed in schools. 

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

Stop Drama Queening.  How do you think they managed to cope before mobile phones were invented?

This might come as suprise but for once I fully agree with you,   hand the phones in a morning and collect them at home time, class time is for learning and break time is for going down the tuck shop, then chattin a few birds up and then if there is time, play a few pranks on the teacher while he/she is on their break.  If I were back at School, that would my perfect day. :clap::banana:

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