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Mobile Phones In Schools

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7 minutes ago, Thug Life said:

What's wrong with phoning my Daddy if I'm scared or being hit again. Nothing is wrong anforum d he made them stop the bullying. 

The  forum Daddy forgot to tell us all how he saved the day by answering the phone.

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9 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

My bold:  The Tories have been in power for 14 years  -  can you tell us why they haven't done these things before if they believe in them so fervently ? 


Just remember that manifesto's are just good intentions or promises and we've seen how well Tory promises fare.            For instance -

Have they stopped the boats yet ? Have they got immigration down yet ?  Have they got the economy going yet.

Axe keeps blaming Covid and the war in Ukraine but Sunak knew about them when he made his promises     -    those promises were still broken,  as every one always is.


The thread has nothing to do with stopping the boats  but it has everything to do with stopping mobile phones being used by schoolchildren while at school. Stick to the topic.

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23 minutes ago, Axe said:

The thread has nothing to do with stopping the boats  but it has everything to do with stopping mobile phones being used by schoolchildren while at school. Stick to the topic.

You have said,  on this thread. 

 "I believe most of the electorate are keen on traditional values and would support any party who has a manifesto to get tough on crime, bring back traditional values and ignore modern day" snowflakes. 


This doesn't mention mobile phones either so why don't you stick to the topic ?


You are talking of them making a manifesto when they haven't fulfilled any of the other manifesto promises except Brexit,  which they screwed up anyway.    Why haven't they done the things you have suggested.

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12 hours ago, Axe said:

I think they were abolished in the  1980's.   Time to bring them back to install discipline to young criminals. 


11 hours ago, Axe said:

National Service should certainly be brought back.  Perhaps the way forward is for young offenders who use to be sent to borstals to have to serve their sentence doing  National Service with the years added for the crime committed to the length of time they serve National Service. 

Yes, National Service was abolished in 1960 and Borstals in 1982. Just remind us which party was in power then, Axe.

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23 minutes ago, BigPP said:


Yes, National Service was abolished in 1960 and Borstals in 1982. Just remind us which party was in power then, Axe.

When National Service was abolished it was the right thing to do at the time because there was no threat of war. When Borstals were abolished they were replaced by Young Offenders Centres which was done with good intentions by the government at the time.  The World has changed since then and it would make sense to bring back a modern form of National Service and incorporate Young Offenders Centres in the process.  Regarding mobile phones it is a case of legislation being behind technology progress which is why something needs to be done to stop children using mobile phones during school hours.  Parents also need to support any change and not expect their own children to be exempt. 

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