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What Single Policy Would Swing Your Vote

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3 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Democracy is about being able to change your mind when you change or new facts come through that show how things look later on. NOT that I got what I want, don't allow people to mess that up

It is only strong remainers who bang on about people changing their mind. Not enough time has passed yet to give Brexit a chance to benefit from all the opportunities and freedoms it gives our democratically elected government to do.  The pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine mean priorities have been elsewhere rather than developing Brexit opportunities.  When a similar time has passed between the 1970's referendum and the 2016 referendum then it would be acceptable for another referendum to take place if the EU still exists. 

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1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

That Trans cyclist is in the news again


Trans cyclist Emily Bridges on legal fight against competition ban



The funniest bit:

This bit: "If we were allowed to compete, if I was allowed to compete, it would be a different conversation," she added, "but I can’t compete…I can’t do something I used to love."


No one has banned Bridges from competing, of course.  The creation of an open category ensures that those who retain a competitive advantage over women due to post-puberty transition are still able to compete in all British Cycling events.  Once again, feelings and wish fulfilment do not trump reality.


1 hour ago, alchresearch said:

How about all the real women who have to complete against him?

Yup.  Often the best way of convincing people who might not be aware that this sort of thing is a real issue for women, is just to let activists talk.  Sure enough, petards and hoisting are involved eventually..

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39 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Democracy is about being able to change your mind when you change or new facts come through that show how things look later on. NOT that I got what I want, don't allow people to mess that up

So how long would you suggest before another referendum?

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6 hours ago, Hecate said:

I think very many men simply aren't aware of the reality for women of maintaining that men are women simply because they say they are.  I also think that some men really don't care; strident misogyny is the worm in the bud for a lot of self-proclaimed nice, virtuous leftie wokebeards.


My partner asked me why, as a man, i was so passionate about this as it doesn't affect me on the same level as it does women.


I'll admit that i'm not a feminist.


I explained that it bothers me in a number of ways:


1. Fairness - having watched sport for most of my life i have seen and understand the basic biological differences between the sexes. On a personal level, i've experienced the differences when my partner was getting into running - she'd been training for months and i'd not done any level of running for a couple of years. With practically no recent training i was still able to keep up with her distance-wise and was quicker. And then you have the story about the Aussie womens' international team getting beaten by a team of U15 boys.


2. Safety - can't believe anything needs to be said about this where contact sports are concerned.


And even if i was a total misogynist who couldn't give two shiny ones about women...


3. The expectation that i have to ignore reality for fear of upsetting someone. I've spoken numerous times about my interaction with 'trans' people and how i got on with them and wished them no harm whatsoever.  On a personal level i would respect that person's wishes to be called whatever, but it doesn't sit well with me, looking at a biological male and being expected to believe that they are a woman. To me it is becoming a thought experiment where, if they force you to believe this, what else will they expect you to believe?


A man cannot become a woman no amount dressing up and make-up can change that.

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41 minutes ago, Axe said:

Absolute nonsense.  Those words prove I have complete respect for democracy.  If a political party had a pledge to hold a referendum on whether the UK should apply to re-join the EU on their manifesto then that would be acceptable.  However to be quite frank the vast majority of the electorate accept the 2016 EU referendum result and have moved on so there is little point in any political party having such a pledge on a manifesto. 

My bold:    That's just conjecture on your part.      You have absolutely no e evidence whatsoever to back up that statemen and are as happy as your idol to play fast and loose with the truth.


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52 minutes ago, Axe said:

Absolute nonsense.  Those words prove I have complete respect for democracy.  If a political party had a pledge to hold a referendum on whether the UK should apply to re-join the EU on their manifesto then that would be acceptable.  However to be quite frank the vast majority of the electorate accept the 2016 EU referendum result and have moved on so there is little point in any political party having such a pledge on a manifesto. 

You Brexiters have had your chance. You squeaked home in a referendum and then implemented the most stupid version of Brexit possible. 

It’s a disaster. We all know that.


If a party puts, for example, rejoining the single market as a manifesto commitment, then it is perfectly democratic for them to do so, if they win the election. If you can’t understand that, then I despair.


Anyway, your time has come and gone. It is time for some grown ups to try to repair the damage that you’ve inflicted on this once great nation.



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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

My bold:    That's just conjecture on your part.      You have absolutely no e evidence whatsoever to back up that statemen and are as happy as your idol to play fast and loose with the truth.


I do not know one single person who I meet and talk to who want our country to re-join the EU.  


2 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

You Brexiters have had your chance. You squeaked home in a referendum and then implemented the most stupid version of Brexit possible. 

It’s a disaster. We all know that.


If a party puts, for example, rejoining the single market as a manifesto commitment, then it is perfectly democratic for them to do so, if they win the election. If you can’t understand that, then I despair.


Anyway, your time has come and gone. It is time for some grown ups to try to repair the damage that you’ve inflicted on this once great nation.



I voted to remain in the EU.  However we all should be Brexiters now and support the democratic choice our electorate made.  There is only one version of Brexit that can honour and respect the referendum result and version meant leaving both the single market and customs union. 


Grown ups respect the democratic choice our own people made and do not drama queen about a non disaster.  You clearly are not a grown up.  Enough said.

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3 minutes ago, Axe said:

I do not know one single person who I meet and talk to who want our country to re-join the EU.  


Poor contribution

What percentage of the entire population do you think you meet and talk to ?     Certainly going to be much less than   0.1 %

If that's what you base your ramblings on, I'm not surprised you get things so wrong.

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