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Menopausal Women Now Less Employable?

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more silly legislation today regarding menopausal women https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/feb/22/employers-must-make-reasonable-adjustments-for-women-going-through-menopause.

for gods sake women have been going through this since the beginning of time ! more of the woke culture causing problems for employers and business! what next special rooms where they can go and lay down for an hour or so???? 

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What,  cavemen like you two who wouldn't know the right thing to do even if there was no wrong.

It's not about woke, but about having care and concern for other people,  which should not have taken this many years to come about.

Nobody would have believed that you both must have had mothers  -  I'm sure they must be extremely proud of you.  Not

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Just another burden being placed on employers.  It will not end with the female menopause because some men's group will start drama queening about the male menopause and want equal rights.  The same happened with men wanting maternity leave.  It is good news for 60 plus age women looking for a new job because it makes more sense to employ them than a 45 year old woman.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

What,  cavemen like you two who wouldn't know the right thing to do even if there was no wrong.

It's not about woke, but about having care and concern for other people,  which should not have taken this many years to come about.

Nobody would have believed that you both must have had mothers  -  I'm sure they must be extremely proud of you.  Not

oh give over half the worlds problems are caused by you woke leftie airey fairy ideals and ideas the other half is religion god knows if we really do have a war to fight because we will be F888888d.

we need to be tougher in schools, call out ridiculous gender assignments and get on with real life.

my mother is extremely proud of me she got through the menopause without creating a fuss, its a generation thing, my partner is going through it at the moment she hates it but still manages to hold down a high corporate position without blinking...... although nice wine in the evening helps her as she gets no "there there" from me , but do you know we have a great time .

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

Just another burden being placed on employers.  It will not end with the female menopause because some men's group will start drama queening about the male menopause and want equal rights.  The same happened with men wanting maternity leave.  It is good news for 60 plus age women looking for a new job because it makes more sense to employ them than a 45 year old woman.

My bold:  The kind of silly remark I expect from you.  Their are already burdens on employers and I don't hear you complaining about those.

I presume that you,  like I,  have enjoyed holiday pay from your employer  -  don't you think that's a burden on them ?

I presume that you were happy for your employer to pay a part of your National Insurance stamp contribution  -  was not that a burden on the part of your employer.

We all go through life bearing various burdens of one sort or another to help pay for the differing little perks of life.

Why should just ONE section of society not have the same consideration because of this  so called "burden"

You Tories really are a selfish uncaring lot.

You are actually the foremost example of the thing you talk of constantly  "Axe,  The Drama Queen"

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10 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

My bold:  The kind of silly remark I expect from you.  Their are already burdens on employers and I don't hear you complaining about those.

I presume that you,  like I,  have enjoyed holiday pay from your employer  -  don't you think that's a burden on them ?

I presume that you were happy for your employer to pay a part of your National Insurance stamp contribution  -  was not that a burden on the part of your employer.

We all go through life bearing various burdens of one sort or another to help pay for the differing little perks of life.

Why should just ONE section of society not have the same consideration because of this  so called "burden"

You Tories really are a selfish uncaring lot.

You are actually the foremost example of the thing you talk of constantly  "Axe,  The Drama Queen"

Would that be all Tories?

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