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Bus Pinball MacHine Sensation

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Has anyone been thrown about on a bus? I have. Approaching a red light too fast he slammed his breaks on. I finished up in hospital with bashed head cut knee needing stitches and bruises from head to toe. So many drivers set off too quickly or are heavy on the breaks. Ive set up a complaints procedure but my social life is on hold until my bruises fade especially on my face

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13 minutes ago, Katypoo said:

Has anyone been thrown about on a bus? I have. Approaching a red light too fast he slammed his breaks on. I finished up in hospital with bashed head cut knee needing stitches and bruises from head to toe. So many drivers set off too quickly or are heavy on the breaks. Ive set up a complaints procedure but my social life is on hold until my bruises fade especially on my face

There are signs all over vehicles these days saying 'ring bell and wait until the bus has stopped'. I usually disregard those,  but make sure I'm holding on to rails/poles/straps in anticipation of sudden jerks.

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Yes me too some 4 years ago.  I was on a 51 bus to city centre from Olive Grove Rd on a sunny day. Two off duty drives got on and sat behind the drive out of his view. He talked non stop to them until we came to Bramall Lane  roundabout. He braked from about 30 mph to zero in about 2 seconds . I and everyone else in lower floor were thrown out of their seats over the bar in front and back again .

He claimed ‘a mini had shot round the roundabout “ , laughed and “ hoped we all had insurance”. I suffered whiplash injury for weeks but didn’t formally complain. I still get neck pain . I was sat on a seat without a headrest just metal bar.  I rest my case!

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17 hours ago, RollingJ said:

There are signs all over vehicles these days saying 'ring bell and wait until the bus has stopped'. I usually disregard those,  but make sure I'm holding on to rails/poles/straps in anticipation of sudden jerks.

You can't always reach a bell without standing and some people object to you asking them  plus some drivers just carry on past the stop if you just ring the bell and don't stand where they can see you in the rear view mirror.

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17 hours ago, Katypoo said:

Has anyone been thrown about on a bus? I have. Approaching a red light too fast he slammed his breaks on. I finished up in hospital with bashed head cut knee needing stitches and bruises from head to toe. So many drivers set off too quickly or are heavy on the breaks. Ive set up a complaints procedure but my social life is on hold until my bruises fade especially on my face

Blimey, Evil knievel didn't sustain injuries as bad as that.  Sue the Bus Company for Comp.

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8 minutes ago, spilldig said:

You can't always reach a bell without standing and some people object to you asking them  plus some drivers just carry on past the stop if you just ring the bell and don't stand where they can see you in the rear view mirror.

Not exactly my experience - and I've been on a lot of buses.  I don't know for certain, because I'm not a bus-driver, but I have a feeling they have been instructed to stop, even if no-one is standing, if the bell has been pushed. It is those who don't stand for a couple of minutes after the vehicle has stopped who usually moan 'but I wanted that stop' - after the driver  has waited, and then pulled away, assuming it was a 'push in error'.

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