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Is The Uk Ready For War ?

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What sort of defence spending do we need?

We are no longer a major power that can send forces and gunboats around the worlds trouble spots except as a contribution towards NATO.

As for nuclear weapons ,their main function is as a deterrent and if it ever came to using them then what defence is effective.?

Perhaps defence of our coastal waters and borders would be the most useful investment so rather than Aircraft carriers and Nuclear Subs perhaps the Navy should invest in suitable frigates or whatever.

At the moment we don’t seem capable of intercepting rubber dinghies.


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The country maybe, but not many of the folk who live there.


Most will be too busy protesting about the colour of the uniforms, and whether they can wear false eyelashes and do tiktok videos on the front line.

Meanwhile those gammons and those who are ridiculed for being too masculine will be battling to save those that ridicule them.

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8 minutes ago, bassett one said:

need some folk to stop them people in just boats and arriving,maybe if we said they have to join our forces for 5 years many may not come and if they do well we have a shortage of soldiers.

Interesting,  would it work?  👍

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1 minute ago, cressida said:

Interesting,  would it work?  👍

It works for France.


Although given


Legionnaires may apply for French citizenship after three years' service, or immediately after being wounded during a battle for France under a provision known as "Français par le sang versé" ("French by spilled blood").

I suspect some on here would complain about the prospect of some joining just to get wounded to gain citizenship.

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5 minutes ago, altus said:

It works for France.


Although given

I suspect some on here would complain about the prospect of some joining just to get wounded to gain citizenship.

We could make our own provision...............any ideas?

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4 hours ago, zaci said:

Don't need armies anymore!  Most situations can be covered using Drones.

Only need soldiers for Guard duty.

Makes you wonder why there are so many  Russian and Ukrainian  soldiers dead then.

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