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Transforming Travel In The City Centre

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12 hours ago, SheffieldForum said:

Surely having a dedicated and easily denoted cycle lane will make it safer than, say The Moor (which doesn’t have a dedicated cycle lane directly on it)?



Those pictures are not very realistic.  Where are the chuggers?  Where are the beggars?  Where is the litter?  You wouldn’t be able to sit at one of those tables without being asked for spare change.  Or a group of street people camping up at one them.  Is the cycle lane a priority fast lane for the deliveroo guys?

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The "non-pedalling" (unless police are around) E-bike food delivery 'usual suspects' won't be keeping to the cycle lane.

Almost got knocked down on the pavement on Castlegate yesterday by one of the aforementioned 'usual suspects' on his E-bike - despite the more than adequate cycle lane down there. Perhaps he preferred the better river view from the pavement.

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Not so long ago, an adult cycling on a pavement, particularly in a busy area, would be told to use the road by members of the public.  Now, I don’t think this happens much.  Either because of the risk of getting physically attacked or because it’s become so common it’s not called out.

There are a lot of bad attitudes with cyclists and it’s not just delivery riders and teenagers.  Some of the cyclists using the underpass at the bottom of Ecclesall Road ride quite aggressively.  My understanding is that their bell is to warn others of their presence not for pedestrians to stop in their tracks whilst they whizz by at speed (and no this isn’t always because pedestrians are walking in the cycle lane).  They would object to motorists honking at them unnecessarily and expecting them to give way for cars to zoom past so why all the dingy, dingy, dingy bell ringing when it’s not needed at pedestrians?!

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Some real generalisations going on.


Anyone would think it is dangerous to walk through town for all these. I’ve done so (pretty much end to end at least twice a day) every day for the past two weeks whilst working out of the city centre and not had a single issue with a cyclist or seen any issues with them.


I didn’t even see one of these apparent non-pedalling motorised bikes that the city is apparently swimming with.


I did see a number of cyclists responsibly pedalling away. About the only issue I saw was a ding from a bell when some pedestrians were blocking a cycle path, which is totally fair. They moved out of the way and the cyclist went on. No issue or malice anywhere.

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1 hour ago, SheffieldForum said:

Some real generalisations going on.


Anyone would think it is dangerous to walk through town for all these. I’ve done so (pretty much end to end at least twice a day) every day for the past two weeks whilst working out of the city centre and not had a single issue with a cyclist or seen any issues with them.


I didn’t even see one of these apparent non-pedalling motorised bikes that the city is apparently swimming with.


I did see a number of cyclists responsibly pedalling away. About the only issue I saw was a ding from a bell when some pedestrians were blocking a cycle path, which is totally fair. They moved out of the way and the cyclist went on. No issue or malice anywhere.

Well that’s good for you.  Perhaps the time of day you are out and about is different to mine.  I regularly see the food delivery riders weaving around pedestrians around Fargate/High St.  I have also been ‘dinged’ many times to get out of way of cyclists going far too fast on a shared cycle/pedestrian subway (and no I wasn’t blocking the cycle lane).  I don’t have a problem with cyclists per se, I just object to anti social, selfish cycling.  

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