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Is The Pope Correct?

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

It really isn't Padders. Russia has no interest in taking over the whole of Ukraine despite how the media state the opposite. 

I've listened to speeches, interviews and he's made it clear many times. Of course he could be lying but who's to say he isn't being truthful? I mean, we've had leaders who couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

Like he had his troops massed on Ukraine's border and made it clear he was not going to invade.

It's taking a long time to get the message that Putin is not only a mass murderer but a liar too.

I do agree that we have had a few lying leaders too.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

Then withdrew them when an agreement was made however Zelensky reneged on the agreement after a visit of bojow..  Putin hasn't sent the tanks back into Kiev as far as I'm aware.

My bold:  No because Putin's tanks were losing heavily so he sent bombs, missiles and drones instead.

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

we didnt lose our country though or being governed by the IRA, its completely different, youd be the first to complain if the uk was properly invaded by a military power.

That's true,      and Axe forgets that we were the ones who invaded Ireland and not the other way about.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

I know. So it can't have been much of an 'old soviet ploy' can it. Unless of course you think putin isn't capable of taking Kiev at a time of his choosing? 

 He tried it a couple of years ago and it failed abysmally.

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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:

It really wasn't but if that's what you believe then that's up to you. 👍

And your version is................................................


Source would be handy.

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Yes, IMO the Pope is correct. 

It will save many lives and make for a swifter recovery.


We have come a long long way from men in red coats standing on a battlefield.

Technology has  moved on and continues to invent new and more efficient ways of killing, maiming and starving huge numbers of innocent people, and destroying entire countries to the point of no return.


The only thing that never changes is man's stupidity in thinking this is an acceptable way of dealing with disputes and conflict. It's barbaric and has no place in a modern civilised world.

Either put the Prime ministers, Presidents and leaders in the front line to do the actual fighting, or stop it. Stop it now! 

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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

Yes, IMO the Pope is correct. 

It will save many lives and make for a swifter recovery.


We have come a long long way from men in red coats standing on a battlefield.

Technology has  moved on and continues to invent new and more efficient ways of killing, maiming and starving huge numbers of innocent people, and destroying entire countries to the point of no return.


The only thing that never changes is man's stupidity in thinking this is an acceptable way of dealing with disputes and conflict. It's barbaric and has no place in a modern civilised world.

Either put the Prime ministers, Presidents and leaders in the front line to do the actual fighting, or stop it. Stop it now! 

Naturally, Putin well take your comments on board.

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9 hours ago, Axe said:

There is no point in beating around the bush. Ukraine is never going to defeat Russia. It is a waste of money for the UK, USA and EU to keep providing funds to delay the inevitable. Surely it is now time for Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia?

Should other countries just roll over to any country with nuclear weapons, Russia/Israel?

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I think all the Ukrainians should sell their brand new 4x4 shiny Jeeps and SUVs that are everywhere in Romania and Bulgaria to help pay for the war, and maybe send all the money they get from begging and pleading poverty also.

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In 2014, the USA and Britain financed a coup d'état in Ukraine, deposing the legit government with a puppet government led by Zelenskyy, despite being Russian speaking himself Zelenskyy hates the Russian-speaking people of the Donbas region and sent in his Azov battalions to commit genocide.

It was because of this Putin got involved, in effect stopping Zelenskyy from murdering his own people,

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