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Frank Hester's Racist Comments About Diane Abbott

Message added by SheffieldForum

The thread has been derailed several times.


Please discuss the topic and stop with the personal comments and digs.


Thank you.

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6 minutes ago, Axe said:

One day that person will meet their maker.  


Titus 3:10-11 


One day,  we all will.    What's in our hearts and minds,  towards our fellow humans is most likely to be what we are judged on,  and not the secrets we let slip.      


Somehow,  I don't think somebody who snitched to the guardian will have most to fear.


Getting carried away now.

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Have we really resorted to quoting scripture to justify the comments now? 🤣


We can all play that game.


How's about John 7:24: "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”


What about James 2:4 where it is said that we shouldn't discriminate (and those that do are evil judges): "have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?" Or, James 2:8 which suggests we should treat people equally "If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well." In John 13:34 a commandment is made to 'love each other': "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." In Matthew 25 the message is that if we are mistreating a person made in God's image then we are mistreating somebody who God loves and who Jesus died for. Not to mention Galatians 3:28, which states we are all the same and should be treated so: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Or Ephesians 4.32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."


Hester's comments aren't really fitting with how the bible says we should treat one another are they?



(I could go on, but anyone can pick lots of quotes from the bible on any subject and make it about something).


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13 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

Have we really resorted to quoting scripture to justify the comments now? 🤣


We can all play that game.


How's about John 7:24: "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”


What about James 2:4 where it is said that we shouldn't discriminate (and those that do are evil judges): "have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?" Or, James 2:8 which suggests we should treat people equally "If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well." In John 13:34 a commandment is made to 'love each other': "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." In Matthew 25 the message is that if we are mistreating a person made in God's image then we are mistreating somebody who God loves and who Jesus died for. Not to mention Galatians 3:28, which states we are all the same and should be treated so: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Or Ephesians 4.32: "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."


Hester's comments aren't really fitting with how the bible says we should treat one another are they?



(I could go on, but anyone can pick lots of quotes from the bible on any subject and make it about something).


Not at all.   


The Titus 3:10-11 quote was used to justify that the person who reported the alleged comments to the Guardian is wrong for stirring up trouble.  That person had no thought for the well being of Diane Abbott and was only interested in causing division and conflict.

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Just now, Axe said:

Not at all.   


The Titus 3:10-11 quote was used to justify that the person who reported the alleged comments to the Guardian is wrong for stirring up trouble.  That person had no thought for the well being of Diane Abbott and was only interested in causing division and conflict.

He wouldn't have been able to report anything if it didn't happen in the first place.


The person really stirring up the trouble is the person making the comments in the first place. The reporting of it is secondary.


i.e.: Cause =/= Effect. The cause of the problem is the comments, the effect is the paper reporting the comments. The comments are the 'root cause' of the issue.


And all the quotes I used above explain why, according to scripture, the comments were wrong in the first place.

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2 minutes ago, SheffieldForum said:

He wouldn't have been able to report anything if it didn't happen in the first place.


The person really stirring up the trouble is the person making the comments in the first place. The reporting of it is secondary.


i.e.: Cause =/= Effect. The cause of the problem is the comments, the effect is the paper reporting the comments. The comments are the 'root cause' of the issue.


And all the quotes I used above explain why, according to scripture, the comments were wrong in the first place.

You are entitled to your opinion which I will continue to respectfully disagree with. 

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On 15/03/2024 at 09:58, Chekhov said:

From "BBC : Biased Broadcasting Corporation" thread :

Chekhov said The Beeb were referring to the Frank Hester "racist comments" furore (whilst introducing an article on "racism in business"), but what was unforgiveable - but typical for the Beeb - was they just read out the most contentious bits of Hester's alleged comments.


This is what he said :


"It's like trying not to be racist but you see Diane Abbott on the TV, and you're just like… you just want to hate all black women because she's there.

"And I don't hate all black women at all, but I think she should be shot."


And this is the bit the Beeb quoted.


How biased is that ?

Amol "annoying" Rajan was working himself into faux outrage on R4's Today program this morning, saying  pretty much the above, biased bugger.

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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What an absolute load of cobblers, haven't they got burglars to catch ?

Obviously not.


Diane Abbott: Police investigate Tory donor alleged race comments

West Yorkshire Police has launched an investigation into alleged racist comments made by a top Tory donor.


Why are the police suddenly investigating?

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