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A Wild Night In With Grace Johnson Of Hedgehog Street

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8 hours ago, Vrsaljko said:

Apparently the new style fences separating gardens is what's killing hedgehogs off. They can't get between gardens, so have to go around the front onto the road and get run over.

That is indeed one of the reasons.


Some communities have joined together to create ‘hedgehog highways’ — i.e. each resident along a street cuts holes in their fence panels (or otherwise allows access for hogs) for them to get through and be able to watch etc.


Theres other reasons for the decline too, like lack of habitat, food and water (lots of well preened gardens with no small pond or water source don’t attract the type of conditions for hedgehogs to eat or drink, or even nest).


People are building ‘Hedgehog Houses’ (a bit like the one in the OP photo — though that one looks huge and overkill), adding small pools/ponds and leaving part of the lawn to rough up a bit (or, even better, planting specific grasses or wildflowers and leaving part of the lawn to meadow) — those last two points really help many, many species and are well worth everyone doing!

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On 15/03/2024 at 08:49, SheffieldForum said:

People are building ‘Hedgehog Houses’

I have one of those.  From this place.  I use it as an overnight feeding station.


Some of the ones available can be pretty substandard - with an emphasis on being decorative - particularly if you need to keep cats away from the food and water.  This one is pretty ugly but sturdy.  The company specialise in owl conservation and making owl nesting boxes.

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eMail just received, as follows


A Message from Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust:
Good afternoon,
We have been informed that some attendees may have recieved an error email from Zoom that this meeting has been cancelled.
We're not sure why this has happened, but we wanted to reasure you that this webinar is still going ahead as planned on Thursday 21st March at 7pm on Zoom.
We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening!
Kindest regards,
Rebecca Healy
Membership and Fundraising Officer

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